Friday, July 31, 2015

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Removing Gluten from Your Diet

Buying gluten-free pizza crusts and other gluten-free foods makes sense, particularly when you have been diagnosed with celiac disease or other form of gluten-sensitivity.
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Contacting a Dietitian

If you remove gluten from your diet, or make a substitution such as gluten-free pizza crusts, make sure you work with a nutritionist or a dietitian first. Once you have been diagnosed correctly, the only effective treatment is a diet without gluten, since the only drugs currently available help to control the symptoms but not eliminate the disease or it's effects.
Eliminating gluten from your diet is not an easy task to carry out and there is evidence that after the diagnosis, many patients with a celiac disease do not exclude all gluten from their diet. Dietary lapse sare influenced by various factors such as the patient's age at the time of diagnosis, the knowledge of their condition, and psychological factors. For this reason, the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) noted in May 2013, that people with celiac disease must be referred to a dietitian nutritionist familiar with the disease. The ACG research report, coordinated by Dr. Alberto Rubio-Tapia, indicated that the dietitian/nutritionist must make a full nutritional evaluation and educate the patient about a gluten-free diet, based on the recommendations of the Academy of nutrition and dietetics from the United States.
The World Organization of Gastroenterology, in its report published on February 2013, as a guide to celiac disease (Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology) listed the tasks that dietitians nutritionists need to carry out when facing a patient with this disease. These include and not limited to:
Assessing the nutritional status of the person.
Identifying the intake of macronutrients and micronutrients to detect deficiencies or excess.
Analyze the possible factors that will affect the new diet and eating habits.
Provide the necessary information to start the gluten-sensitivity diet.
Offer a food education for balanced food.
Check and assess compliance with diet and reinforce food advice.
The journal certifies that if patients do not adhere to the new diet, it is advisable to receive psychological counseling. Dietitians-nutritionists, through visual analog scales and dietary records, must be able to assess the adherence to the diet, as it pointed out by the British society of Gastroenterology.
An important thing to consider is you are going to have to modify your diet in a lot of ways, with gluten-free pizza crusts being one example.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts: Wrapping Up

Going gluten-free isn't right for everyone.  But if you want to or need to go gluten-free, buy the right products to help, such as gluten-free pizza crusts.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, July 24, 2015

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Food Sensitivity

Gluten-free pizza crusts are a dietary option if you've been diagnosed with celiac disease or other form of gluten-sensitivity.
Gluten-free foods may also help improve overall health | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-free foods may also help improve overall health | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Foods and Living Healthy

Excluding a group of foods from your diet is not an easy decision. Much less when the exclusion is forever, as it happens with people who suffer from celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. In these cases, the only effective treatment is to forget about gluten foods, something that is not simple since the protein is present in many types of foods.
Eliminating gluten, even if there is a medical diagnosis that directed it, is a very serious step that should be taken with the help of a professional, precisely, a dietitian nutritionist, as explained below. There are many benefits and that come with starting a gluten-free diet, including of course gluten-free pizza crusts, if you suffer from food sensitivity. Gluten-sensitivity is however associated with celiac disease. In this article, we look at celiac disease and why people with food sensitivities should consider a gluten-free diet.

Gluten-Sensitivity and Celiac Disease

What is Celiac disease?  Celiac disease is a disease with a strong genetic component and in which the immune system is involved. Immune failure generates an inflammation of the small intestine when gluten is ingested, a protein found in three of the most widely used diet cereals: barley, rye and above all, wheat. The oats are also commonly excluded from people with celiac disease, since their consumption is not safe in a percentage of patients, as noted in June 2014 the British society of Gastroenterology. When a celiac takes in this protein, as well as intestinal inflammation, there is a loss of the structure of the microvillus, failures in the intestinal absorption and even malnutrition.
The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology or the world allergy organization considered that celiac disease should not be called "gluten intolerance" since an immunologic mechanism is involved in the pathology ( and should be classified as an allergy). In any cases, it's a terminology which, although not recommended, is widely used in academia.
Either way, the doctor can consider rating the implementation of a diet without gluten in patients with a condition called "non-celiac gluten-sensitivity". The condition is seen in people who have a genetic predisposition (although its hereditary basis is not as marked as in the case of celiac disease) and generates atypical reactions after eating foods with gluten. It is necessary to learn and study better this condition "before giving contradictory messages and establish unjustified diets".
If it is best for you to be on a gluten-free diet, make sure you stock up on gluten-free foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, July 17, 2015

What Advantages Do Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Have? (Conclusion)

Gluten-free pizza crusts have some really good benefits.  And forms of gluten-sensitivity including more acute forms of it like celiac disease.
Buy Gluten-Free Foods for Year Round Celebrations |(310) 322–7357
Buy Gluten-Free Foods for Year Round Celebrations |(310) 322–7357
Everybody Knows Someone  Who Needs Gluten-Free Foods
Even if you don’t feel the need to switch to a gluten-free diet, chances are you have at least one person in your life that has switched to eating gluten-free foods. Perhaps it’s your best friend, your brother-in-law, or your kid’s friends. Regardless of who it is, at some point in your life you will likely need to feed a hungry gluten-free person and pizza is the ideal choice because everyone loves it.
If you are not planning on become a master at creating superior homemade gluten-free pizza crust, then it wouldn’t hurt to keep a few pre-made ones on hand for when you have that guest (expected or not) and you want to provide a healthy, tasty meal. You can purchase just the crusts and let your guest add their own toppings to create a personalized pizza they will love. It can turn into a whole pizza party!

Variety is the Spice of Life When Going on a Gluten-Free Diet

Eating gluten-free doesn’t mean you have to put up with less than you are used to having. Eating gluten-free pizza is far from boring. When you buy gluten-free pizza crusts, you can enjoy an immense variety. There are thin crusts, traditional crusts, deep dish crusts, individual crusts, family- or party-sized crusts, and so much more. You can find all kinds of different gluten-free pizza crusts that you can top with your favorite toppings for a special and delicious meal.
In the end, you want to enjoy your pizza, whether it’s gluten-free or not. Enjoyment and nourishment are the main goals of eating pizza. There is nothing better than sitting down to pizza and a movie on a Friday night or getting together with the gang to chow down on this classic meal. That is unless that pizza is not tasty or as good as what you usually enjoy. To avoid the unnecessary stress of trying to make a gluten-free pizza crust everyone likes, buying your gluten-free pizza crusts pre-made will ensure you can provide a yummy meal. You’ll look like a hero and everyone will be satisfied.
Read more about Celiac disease here.  
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, July 10, 2015

Warning Signs of Celiac Disease and Gluten-Sensitivity

Gluten-free foods such as pizza crusts are very useful in stopping the potentially serious health risks concerned with gluten-sensitivity and Celiac disease.
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357

Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms

According to WebMD.COM:
"Celiac disease is suspected in people who have signs or symptoms of recurrent diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and malabsorption or malnutrition. Other diseases, however, can produce malabsorption and malnutrition, such as pancreatic insufficiency (a pancreas that is not able to produce digestive enzymes), Crohn's disease of the small intestine, and small intestinal overgrowth of bacteria. It is important, therefore, to confirm suspected celiac disease with appropriate testing.
Specific antibody tests for celiac disease
Antibodies are proteins that are produced by the immune system to fight viruses, bacteria, and other organisms that infect the body. Sometimes, however, the body produces antibodies against non-infectious substances in the environment (for example, in hay fever) and even against its own tissues (autoimmunity).
Certain blood tests should be performed initially to look for antibodies specific to celiac disease. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody is the single preferred test for detection of celiac disease. If abnormally elevated levels of IgA endomysial and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies are found, a person almost certainly has celiac disease. High levels of another antibody, anti-gliadin antibody (AGA), may also be detected, but they don't necessarily mean a person has celiac disease. However, anti-gliadin antibody levels are useful in monitoring response to treatment, because they will usually begin to fall within several months of successful treatment of celiac disease with a gluten-free diet. Similarly, anti-endomysial antibody levels decrease on a gluten-free diet and often become negative in treated patients." [Read More]
Ultimately, however, you never want to self-diagnose. Always seek the advice of a medical practitioner, as some other serious health conditions can mimic Celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity. Once a diagnosis has been confirmed however, depending on your doctor's advice, you have to start making dietary changes. That's where gluten-free foods come in.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

Gluten-free pizza crusts are one of many different foods that you can switch to in order to avoid a food attack. There are several others as well as a lot of resources as well. What you really need to watch out for is whether or not the facility in which the gluten-free food has been prepared has any risk of cross-contamination.
Make sure that the place that is supplying the food is 100% gluten-free. That way there isn't any or at the very least, a minimal risk of cross-contamination. That way you can eat gluten-free pizza crusts or whichever gluten-free food you wish and be safe.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, July 3, 2015

What Advantages Do Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Have? (Contd.)

Gluten-free foods are important, particularly for anyone who has been diagnosed with any sort of gluten-sensitivity.
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Today | (310) 322–7357
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Today | (310) 322–7357

What Does This Have to Do with Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts?

What does all this have to do with gluten-free pizza crusts? Well, gluten-free pizza is one of the foods most missed by those who have to or choose to stop eating gluten. In addition, since we tend to eat so much pizza in the US, going off gluten can be made easier by starting with pizza. If you have pizza every week, then think of how much less gluten you’d be eating by switching to gluten-free pizza.
It’s also useful to think of it this way. Before you started a gluten-free diet, did you make your own pizza crust or did you buy it? If you bought it before, then why wouldn’t you do so with gluten-free pizza crusts? In addition, gluten-free pizza crusts are difficult to make. Without the wheat, it is difficult to get the pizza dough to rise and take on the texture it is meant to have and you have to have a lot of additional ingredients on hand. This means it is far easier and less time-consuming to buy pre-made gluten-free pizza crusts.
Remember, whether we have to or choose to switch to a healthier alternative, no matter what type of food it is, we want it to have the same taste and texture as the food we have always been used to eating.

Pizza absolutely has to taste like – well – pizza and it won’t if the crust isn’t right, if it is hard or crunchy or too flat. For those who do not have the time, desire, or skill to make their own, buying gluten-free pizza crusts is the ideal solution to any meal situation.

You’ll Feel Better Eating Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

How many times have you eaten pizza and had digestive trouble afterward? This doesn’t make for a very pleasant pizza-eating experience, especially if you are trying to enjoy an evening with friends and family. It’s also not necessarily caused by the toppings. If you have issues with gluten, the by switching to a gluten-free pizza crust, you can enjoy one of your favorite foods once again without feeling bloated or having any gastrointestinal issues.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357