Friday, March 10, 2017

Reasons to Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Online

If you buy gluten-free pizza crusts online may one of the most effective ways to stay on a gluten-free diet.

A Gluten-Free Diet: Say Goodbye to Pizza?

Dieting is never fun, and one of the latest diet crazes out there, the gluten-free diet, may sound like even less fun than the rest, as you may think you have to say goodbye to every carb you’ve ever loved. However, with gluten-free pizza crust, that just isn't the case. Those who have sworn off gluten—whether due to an allergy or for general health or weight-loss—miss few things as much as their delicious, delicious carbs.

High among those heart-breaking carbs, for most people, is their beloved pizza.An allergy to gluten or just a decision to swear it off no longer has to mean a pizza-free existence, for there are many ways and places where you can now buy gluten-free pizza crust online.

What Is Gluten and How Can Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Help?

Gluten is a mixture of two types of proteins, and is present in things like cereal, wheat, barley, rye, certain types of oats, and similar ingredients. It is found in common items such as flour, and therefore is a major ingredient in popular foods like pasta, tortillas, muffins, crackers, beer, sauces like gravy and some salad dressings, bread and, yes, pizza crust. Gluten is what gives dough its thickness and elastic consistency.

Should you give up gluten? There are some who have no choice but to give up gluten, for serious health reasons. Celiac disease is a serious condition in which a person is severely allergic to gluten. Eating foods that contain gluten can cause serious symptoms such as frequent vomiting, headaches and heart problems in someone with celiac disease, and it can cause lasting damage to the small intestines. There is a real need for a product such as gluten-free pizza crusts.

Celiac disease affects approximately one in every 100 people. Slightly less serious than celiac disease is non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), which affects anywhere from 1 to 13 percent of the population. Though someone may not be fully allergic to gluten or wheat, they can be diagnosed with gluten insensitivity. Though there is no specific biological marker that can be detected in a person’s body that points to NCGS, doctors most often diagnose it if, once all gluten-containing foods have been eliminated from a person’s diet, their symptoms disappear, and they have already ruled out an allergy to gluten or wheat.

So remember, if you have any sort of food sensitivity can hurt you.  Don't take any chances, buy gluten-free pizza crusts today.

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Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

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