Friday, February 20, 2015

Why A Gluten-Free diet is a Must (Contd.)

 Going gluten-free may help with a variety of health problems. 
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Foods and Improved Health

Gluten may cause health problems, some of which are below.  It may be advisable to go on a gluten-free diet.

Infertility: According to a recent study conducted by Tampere University, female celiac patients who do not follow a gluten free diet run the risk of shortening their reproductive period and can even be affected by an early menopause. Male patients on the other hand have a high chance of contracting gonadal problems. These conditions together significantly increases the risk of infertility for patients with celiac disease.
Severe Headaches: People with celiac disease often get pounding headaches when they consume food containing high amounts of gluten. According to a study conducted by American Academy of Neurology, 30 percent of all patients suffering from the disease get chronic headaches triggered usually by gluten rich food.
Gastrointestinal Problems: This is probably the most common symptoms suffered by celiac patients who fail to restrict themselves to gluten free diet. The symptoms include diarrhea, gas, sudden abdominal pain, constipation, and bloating.
Lowered Bone Density: Celiac disease affects the small intestine which is responsible for absorbing life sustaining nutrients such as calcium. Without proper absorption of calcium patients with celiac disease often lose bone density. As gluten aggravates symptoms of the disease absorption rate of calcium is hindered when a celiac patients consistently consumes gluten rich food.
All of these symptoms and conditions mentioned above can be prevented if people with the disease maintain a strict gluten free diet. However, according to recent statistics about 95 percent of all patients suffering from the disease remain undiagnosed. These people continue to ignore the symptoms not realizing that the main culprit behind these problems is their gluten rich diet.

Why Going Gluten Free Is Not That Difficult 

Even though it sounds impossible to construct a wheat free diet, going gluten free is actually not that difficult in this day and age. Ever since gluten free diet was popularized by the fitness industry thousands of different gluten free food items started cropping up in the shelves of supermarkets all across the globe. Even most bakeries in the US are either going full gluten free or opening a separate gluten free section.
From bread and cake to pizza and chocolate bars there is probably a gluten free alternative for every known type of food item. This means people following a gluten free diet can satiate all kinds of food cravings and has no reason to feel deprived. So start with a gluten-free pizza crust and go from there.  
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
More Info