Friday, January 27, 2017

Say No to Pizza? No! Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Instead (Conclusion)

Switching to gluten-free pizza crusts is a good step towards going gluten-free.

Switching to Gluten-Free Pizza Crust May
Help With Weight Loss | 310-322-7357
Important Information About Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Going Gluten Free

Is going gluten-free the right solution for you?

Well, as we covered previously,  the question you then need to ask is how beneficial or drastic would the change be on your overall physique and health if you do decide to shift to a gluten-free diet. There are some basic health benefits of a gluten-free diet, especially for those who are sensitive to the protein. For example, somebody suffering from gluten sensitivity would get immediate relief from his symptoms if he just stops the intake altogether.

Another drawback of the gluten-free diet is the fact that it’s not an “easy” diet to maintain. Especially for those who are not gluten-sensitive, it takes a strong resolve if one is to manage to convert from a protein eating diet to a protein-free diet. You have to check and read labels on every food item to ensure that the item you’re purchasing is gluten-free and this can sometimes be quite a time consuming.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Losing Weight

An important note for all those who think that they would get thinner by just shifting to gluten-free pizza crusts, I have bad news for you guys. Even though a gluten-free diet ensures no protein is entering your body, this does not, however, mean that you would get thinner within days after adopting this new lifestyle. Hence a gluten-free diet should definitely not be confused with a “getting thin” diet since both are miles apart from one another.

The bottom line is the fact that if you are in fact suffering from either the celiac disease or gluten sensitivity you should definitely shift to a gluten-free diet as soon as possible. Whether you have to shift or you just want to, you should be aware of what you’re getting into. One who’s suffering from the diseases mentioned above can improve their health significantly by shifting but for all those of us who are not that bothered by gluten and are not all that sensitive to it need to think twice before you make your decision since it doesn’t exactly benefit your health in any way.

If you’re gluten sensitive but still love to eat pizza, order gluten-free pizza crusts today and enjoy the pleasures of life without having to worry about stomach aches or gas.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, January 20, 2017

Say No to Pizza? No! Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Instead (Contd.)

Should you buy gluten-free pizza crust?
Gluten-Free Pizza Crust | Join the Revolution|

Is a Gluten-Free Diet Right For Me

As we covered previously, a gluten-free diet is for people who are sensitive to gluten. We can now take a closer look at what exactly is celiac disease, and how does it affect a normal human being.

The response of the immune system to the gluten protein, in a person who is gluten sensitive, is to gradually damage the small intestine. So, start by making healthy substitutions, such as gluten-free pizza crusts.

Tiny filaments that cover the entire inside layer of the small intestine called “villi” get damaged. These villi are responsible for the intake of nutrients into the blood stream and them getting damaged would mean that the person suffering becomes malnourished even if they eat a lot. The early symptoms of celiac disease include bloating, stomach aches, gas, weight loss etc. Any person suffering from the disease simply cannot eat food items made with all-purpose flour bran, couscous, wheat starch etc. Next, up we discuss gluten intolerance and gluten sensitivity, which is quite different than celiac disease in terms of the fact that it’s not an immune mediated response.  Regardless of the reason, gluten-free pizza crusts are an excellent option.

Going on a Gluten-Free Diet: There May Be Health Risks If You Don't

After eating food items that contain gluten, people suffering from gluten intolerance tend to experience abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and flatulence. Where gluten intolerance is definitely not that common, gluten sensitivity is perhaps far more common since approximately 18 million people suffer from it in the United States alone. So one can imagine how many people are ordering gluten-free pizza crusts online day in and day out.

 The question you then need to ask is how beneficial or drastic would the change be on your overall physique and health if you do decide to shift to a gluten-free diet. There are some basic health benefits of a gluten-free diet, especially for those who are sensitive to the protein. For example, somebody suffering from gluten sensitivity would get immediate relief from his symptoms if he just stops the intake altogether. Another benefit would be that you get a variety of choice of gluten-free flours made from ingredients, like quinoa and beans, offering up unique nutritional benefits which are definitely smart choices for a good healthy meal. One of the major drawbacks of such a diet would be the development of natural deficiencies within your body because of lack of vitamins and minerals, which are present in grains. However, you can certainly make up for this lack by eating healthy and having your doctor write down a diet plan for you so that you can eat healthily and still stay satisfied with your meals at the same time.

If you need to go gluten-free, start by substituting foods.  Eat foods like gluten-free pizza crusts.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, January 13, 2017

Say No to Pizza? No! Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Instead

For all those of us who have a weight problem but can never say any to pizza, gluten-free pizza crust is perfect for you. Many people, who are not gluten intolerant, are cynical of the idea of a gluten-free pizza crust at the very onset but as soon as you develop a taste for it, you never look back.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Means Not
Having to Give Up Pizza |
Why Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Matter

When we talk about gluten-free pizza crust we must first look into what exactly is “gluten”. 

Gluten is a type of protein usually found in grains such as wheat and barley. The act of removing the intake of this gluten protein from your meals results in you adopting a gluten-free diet. This diet is absolutely imperative for people who are suffering from celiac disease and gluten allergies, both of which will be discussed at length later in this article.

The shift to a gluten-free pizza crust must be sudden for all those who find themselves suffering from gluten allergies. People who are sensitive to the protein tend to experience various bodily discomforts including gastrointestinal distress and rashes on the skin. For such people, who can’t consume gluten at all and still love pizza, gluten free pizza crust is definitely a blessing in disguise, particularly with the many uses they have.

Consult a Doctor Before You Go On a Gluten-Free Diet

It’s important, however, that you get yourself checked before you take any action on your diet. You need to get yourself checked prior to shifting because once you change your diet to gluten-free and then get checked the results won't show your sensitivity accurately. It’s also important to differentiate between celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. You can get yourself tested through a simple blood test that wouldn’t take up much of your time. After you have pinpointed the source of your distress, with the help of your doctor, you can then take actions to introduce gluten-free items in your diet and gluten-free pizza crusts definitely make the top three cut.

Coming back to the importance of a gluten-free diet for people who are sensitive to gluten we can now take a closer look at what exactly is celiac disease, and how does it affect a normal human being. The response of the immune system to the gluten protein, in a person who is gluten sensitive, is to gradually damage the small intestine.  So, start by making healthy substitutions, such as gluten-free pizza crusts.

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Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, January 6, 2017

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Online: Why You Should (Conclusion)

Switching to an alternative such as gluten-free pizza crust is a much healthier choice for other reasons other than gluten-sensitivity.

Gluten-Free Foods Are Hard To Find

Go gluten-free with our gluten-free pizza crusts |
As we covered previously, studies have shown that people who decide to switch to gluten-free diets feel more energized throughout their everyday lives. Despite popular belief, eating an excess of carbohydrates can actually decrease your long-term energy levels. If you switch to a gluten-free diet, you will most likely be eating less foods dense in carbohydrates altogether.

Gluten is typically present in nutrient-poor foods. If you decide to go on a gluten-free diet, you will likely be avoiding an abundance of nutrient-poor foods. Ditch the refined, processed, wheat flour, and instead buy gluten-free pizza crusts, which contain many nutrient-rich ingredients. Many gluten-free crusts you can purchase online include eggs, healthy oils, milk, organic flours, and other ingredients your body finds very useful. Enjoying pizza doesn't have to be a complete blow to your health. Gluten-rich foods are typically very processed. That is correct; unlike food like gluten-free pizza crusts, foods that contain large amounts of gluten are typically processed and injected full of chemicals. These foods also usually contain many empty calories, meaning they add to your waistline and offer very little health benefits. In fact, studies have also shown that eating a diet high in processed empty calories and refined carbohydrates can create symptoms that emulate gluten intolerance, such as bloating and an upset stomach. There are many wonderful, unprocessed, organic gluten-free pizza crust options available online, so you can still enjoy your favorite foods while avoiding these uncomfortable symptoms.

Eat Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Lose Some Weight

You want to lose weight. As just mentioned, gluten-rich foods are typically very high in empty calories. In addition to being very poor in nutrients, foods high in empty calories are also very easy to consume in abundance. For example, the calories in refined sugar are nearly all empty. When the body consumes refined sugar, it craves it more, causing you to want to eat more and more empty calories. These calories add up, just like standard calories, and pile on the pounds.

This said, losing weight doesn't necessitate sacrificing foods like pizza. Simply go online and buy gluten-free pizza crusts in order to enjoy this excellent treat and avoid empty calories at the same time! As seen, there are many benefits to ditching the gluten and committing to a gluten-free lifestyle. Even if you do not have Celiac disease, or are not gluten sensitive, there are reasons why it might be wise to eliminate the ingredient from your diet. As also seen, there are still ways you can incorporate your favorite, typically gluten-rich, foods (like pizza) into your diet. Go online and buy gluten-free pizza crusts today.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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