Friday, January 12, 2018

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: More Than Just a Fad (Conclusion)

Buying gluten-free pizza crust online is both easy and cost effective. It also adds convenience.
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Why Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online is Probably Better

Going gluten-free is a big thing nowadays, and has been for several years. But how real is any of it? Is it just a fad. What is causing so many people to suddenly develop celiac disease? A lot of conspiracy theorists point to GMO foods as the culprit, or pesticides, or both. However, the number of celiac cases has risen so sharply not because of some sinister plot. The ways of detecting celiac disease and other forms of gluten-sensitivity have gotten better over time, making the figures look even bigger than they are. No one really knows what causes celiac disease and other forms of gluten-sensitivity, but there appears to be a genetic factor involved.

Whatever the cause, someone with gluten sensitivity or full blown gluten-intolerance needs to change their diet, and will also need an easy way to buy gluten-free pizza crust such as online. How does buying gluten-free pizza crust online help? Well, people are funny sometimes. If something is too difficult or considered too much of a hassle, then many people will take the path of least resistance. If they can't find and get gluten-free pizza crusts easily, they might be tempted to just get regular pizza crust instead with all of the gluten present. Is that necessarily a bad thing? It depends entirely on the level of gluten-sensitivity that someone has. For example, someone with mild gluten-sensitivity will at most experience minor indigestion. But what about someone who has a more acute form of gluten-sensitivity, such as someone with Celiac disease?

Only Buy 100% Certified Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

Another reason to buy online is the fact that a great many online gluten-free bakeries have to undergo a certification process. You want to make sure that you only buy 100% gluten-free pizza crust to avoid the risk of cross-contamination. Cross-contamination occurs when a gluten-free item is prepared on the same surface as a regular baked good. It isn't enough to clean the preparation surface. Even with a stainless steel surface and even with proper cleaning techniques, there can still be trace amounts of gluten on the surface, which is then inadvertently folded into the dough.

 So remember, you want to stay healthy. If you suffer from gluten-sensitivity, you have additional challenges to deal with, due to the prevalence of gluten in so many products. So be vigilant with what you eat, and only buy 100% gluten-free pizza crusts today.

More Info

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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