Friday, May 25, 2018

Why You Should Only Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Online (continued)

When you are looking to buy gluten-free pizza crust online, make sure you get it from a place where it is 100% gluten-free certified.

Why 100% Gluten-Free Certified Status Is Crucial

Why does it matter whether or not a bakery is certified 100% gluten-free?  Because of the very real danger of cross-contamination.  While no business is going to intentionally contaminate any food that they offer with gluten, it's far easier to accidentally add trace amounts of gluten to food than you might realize. For example, let's say that you order a gluten-free pizza from your favorite pizza place. The employee preparing your pizza crust is probably going to be preparing other non-gluten-free foods as well.

So what happens when they leave the area of the kitchen where regular food is prepared and unknowingly have some flour on their hands when they to the gluten-free section to make your pizza? Suddenly your pizza is contaminated with gluten, which can be a real problem if you suffer from Celiac disease or other form of gluten intolerance.

Why Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Online is your Best Option

While businesses that offer gluten-free products as only a small part of their business are not overly dependent on those products, businesses that specialize in gluten-free foods are completely dependent on them. Knowing how important gluten-free foods are to these types of businesses it shouldn't be surprising to learn that the quality level of their products tends to be much higher.

In many cases companies that make gluten-free pizza crusts will take the added precaution of only producing gluten-free foods in the kitchens where they make their pizza crusts. This combined with employees that are highly trained in preparing gluten-free foods helps to ensure that you will get a product that you can trust to be gluten-free. Being able to trust that the gluten-free pizza crust you are buying is a great starting point, but that really should be the minimum of what you expect. After all, what's the point in buying a gluten-free pizza crust if it tastes like cardboard? Companies that produce gluten-free pizza crusts as a main product tend to spend a lot more time and effort doing research and perfecting their recipes. Creating a gluten-free pizza crust is easy. Creating a gluten-free pizza crust that you will actually want to eat is a much more challenging proposition. Fortunately for you, there are many companies out there that make a gluten-free pizza crust that put in the time and effort necessary to provide their customers with a great tasting base for a truly delicious slice of pizza.

Start with a gluten-free bakery.

Venice Bakery

134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

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