Friday, November 11, 2016

You Might Want to Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust (Contd.)

Gluten-free pizza crusts are a good option for anyone who has sensitivity to gluten.

Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Today

Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Avoid
Adverse Symptoms | 310-322-7357
As we covered previously, There are more than a few people these days who deal with gluten sensitivity. If someone with sensitivity to gluten were to ingest anything containing gluten, they may experience a number of different uncomfortable side effects, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, headaches, joint pain and chronic fatigue.

Preventing the symptoms of gluten sensitivity are not the only benefits to avoiding gluten, however. It may be on the top of your priority list if gluten sensitivity is something you suffer from, but there are several other advantages as well. The fact is that many of us are not fully able digest gluten, causing the undigested portions to start fermenting. This produces gas which can lead to some undesirable bloating. Wheat is also a pro-inflammatory agent. This means that it will rapidly convert itself into sugar, which can cause a spike in your insulin levels – which will lead to inflammation. So many foods these days either cause or contribute to inflammation, and too much inflammation can be very dangerous to our bodies. Why add to it if there are other options available, such as buying gluten-free pizza crust? Another thing wheat can cause is what is known as  leaky gut syndrome.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome and How Can Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Help

Leaky gut syndrome is when stuff begins to leak from your gut into your bloodstream, usually unhealthy and undesirable toxins. Your gut actually plays a very important role in your body, the friendly bacteria that live there help to regulate your immune system, they control and prevent intestinal permeability, they digest your food, the list goes on. Leaky gut syndrome, as well as any other issues that present themselves in your gut, can have a very negative chain reaction. Depending on what leaks from your gut into your bloodstream, you could develop any number of conditions or symptoms, including severe migraines. One trigger is gluten, which is why you might want to consider gluten-free pizza crust.

Leaky gut syndrome has also been linked to symptoms of autism. While there are currently not a lot of studies to back this up, there has been a noticeable increase in the amount of children being diagnosed with autism. There is more study needed of course, and there are many possibilities, but it is suspicious that this rise correlates with the increase in gluten in the foods that we eat.The bottom line here is that you want to be very careful when dealing with your gut, and avoiding too much wheat consumption can be a good start.  Start by switching to gluten-free pizza crust and other gluten-free foods.


Venice Bakery

134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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