Gluten-free bread crumbs are just one example of a gluten-free food. For gluten-sensitive people, this is a welcome addition to available food choices.
Why Gluten-Free Bread Crumbs Matter
Most people think that if you want to buy gluten-free bread crumbs, you may have celiac disease, however, that also may not be the case. There are an unknown number of people who should avoid gluten at all costs. According to this article excerpt from the New York Times:
"For the approximately one-in-a-hundred Americans who have a serious condition called celiac disease, that is an indisputably wise medical directive. Now medical experts largely agree that there is a condition related to gluten other than celiac. In 2011 a panel of celiac experts convened in Oslo and settled on a medical term for this malady: non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
What they still do not know: how many people have gluten sensitivity, what its long-term effects are, or even how to reliably identify it. Indeed, they do not really know what the illness is. The definition is less a diagnosis than a description — someone who does not have celiac, but whose health improves on a gluten-free diet and worsens again if gluten is eaten. It could even be more than one illness. “We have absolutely no clue at this point,” said Dr. Stefano Guandalini, medical director of the University of Chicago’s Celiac Disease Center. [READ MORE]
Gluten-Free Foods and Gluten-Sensitivity
The thing that you have to be careful about is switching to a gluten-free diet simply because it is trendy and cutting edge as far as diets ago. As we covered in a previous article, if you eliminate a food group from your diet, you run the risk of potential health problems such as vitamin and mineral deficiency. Also, another risk that you should be aware of if you're making the switch is a thought process that dietitians call Justification Syndrome. Namely, the belief that if you eliminate gluten from your diet, it allows you to eat other foods that are unhealthy.
Don't stop eating right simply because you've decided to switch to gluten-free foods. Eat a variety of foods including vegetables and fruits, safe grains such as amaranth or quinoa, lean meats and dairy in carefully prepared portions. Just know that if you have a recipe that requires bread crumbs, there are gluten-free bread crumbs available.