Friday, November 14, 2014

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts for Health (Contd.)

Gluten-free pizza crusts are an important food if you have any form of gluten sensitivity.  But why these?  Aren't there a lot of gluten-free foods out there.
Gluten-Free Products | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Products | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts in a Big Market

Let's face it.  Gluten-free pizza crusts are only one of a plethora of foods out there Will you like every one of these products? Probably not. However by experimenting and trying different options you are sure to find quite a few that you like. Going gluten-free isn't always easy. It takes a lot more work to be on a gluten-free diet than it takes to eat whatever you want. However, for people with Celiac disease there isn't any other option.
Eating foods that contain wheat when you have Celiac disease will make you sick, and can threaten your long term health. By finding products that you like, such as gluten-free pizza crusts, and eating naturally occurring gluten-free foods, you can eat a healthy and fulfilling diet. Remember that just because you have Celiac disease this doesn't mean that you have to eat a diet of foods that you don't enjoy. You can go gluten-free and still enjoy your meals.  But are pizza crusts the healthiest for you?  After all, pizza isn't the healthiest food, right?

Healthy Gluten-Free Eating

Wrong! If you get a base such as a gluten-free pizza crust, it is just that: a base.  How you prepare it will determine how healthy it is for you or not.  There is a big difference between a pizza crust prepared with high fat foods such as a lot of cheeses and butter and a vegan pizza lightly brushed with olive oil and baked to perfection.  Another trick?  Put some fresh made apple preserves for your own apple pie pizza.  You can also use the crusts as crispy chips if you bake them long enough.
So as you see, a little imagination and the right ingredients is all that it takes to have some healthy eating.  Consult a dietitian, a nutrition expert, and your physician for what sort of foods you should be eating for optimal health.  Make sure all of your ingredients are fresh, and avoid a lot of processed foods.  If you have any sort of gluten-sensitivity, go one more step above this.  Make sure that all of your ingredients aren't just labeled as gluten-free, they are certified as being gluten-free.  Like our gluten-free pizza crusts for example.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357