Friday, August 28, 2015

Gluten-free foods are gaining in popularity, but what a lot of people don't know is that it is often hard to find them...
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (310) 322–7357
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Foods and Why Gluten is a Hard Habit to Kick

How hard is it to find gluten-free foods?  While gluten may be the culprit causing you a laundry list of discomfort, there is no denying its allure. Foods containing gluten are among the most delicious out there! It's hard to imagine a life without breads, pastries, and pastas. They are everywhere and they taste so good. You might not be surprised to know that gluten has an incredibly addictive quality and is considered by many to be a natural opiate.
The opioid structures that gluten contain are called gluteomorphins and casomorphins. What makes these so scary is that they affect the mind like a drug. Many individuals eliminating gluten from their diet report a withdrawal period with symptoms very similar to those drug users and alcoholics. A very good reason for buying gluten-free pizza crusts and other foods without gluten
The antibodies that your body creates to combat the gluten are produced in excess leaving more than necessary. The left over antibodies hang around and cause you to crave more gluten so they can be utilized. Another theory to explain the weight gain and cravings that come with a gluten sensitivity has everything to do with the small intestine. The constant influx in gluten to your diet causes a lot of unnecessary damage to the area. The villi, are little feelers on your intestinal lining that absorb nutrients from the food you eat. The inflammation impairs the villi and you aren't getting the proper nutrients that your body requires, so it compensates by making you feel hungry. You eat, cause more inflammation and crave again. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Gluten-Free Foods and Eliminating Gluten From Your Diet

If you're interested in eliminating gluten from your diet to alleviate your symptoms, but want to be certain it's worth your time, try it out for six weeks. This is long enough to see a difference. If you have nothing beneficial to report after the six weeks, your sensitivity might be dairy or egg related. If six weeks seems too long, you can also take a blood test to see how your body responds to certain foods. These sorts of tests can be quite expensive, but it's all worth while if it can drastically improve your health and well being.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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Friday, August 21, 2015

Gluten-Free Foods and Food Sensitivity (Contd.)

There are several reasons to consider foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts |  Call Us Today | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | Call Us Today | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Sensitivity to Gluten

As we covered previously, people with gluten sensitivity can suffer from brain fog, moodiness, headaches, fatigue, heartburn, acne, rosacea, dark circles, gas, bloating, constipation, anxiety, depression and even joint pain. Many who suffer from these ailments never consider that their problem is as simple as a food sensitivity to gluten.
They are resolved to believe that the discomfort they feel is a normal part of life. They continue to live with it or they develop an unhealthy dependence on medications to suppress the pain.
How Gluten Attacks Your Body
The keyword here is inflammation. Gluten can cause an inflammatory response in your body, settling in areas that react with pain. A theory is that the inflammatory reaction is caused by the overuse of pesticides and GMO's used in modern farming. And with other inflammatory foods, gluten has the potential to raise cortisol levels and also cause a resistance to insulin.

What Are the Symptoms of Gluten-Sensitivity

Fatigue is a very common symptom of gluten sensitivity. After eating the trigger food, affected people will feel physically tired, sleepy, or lethargic. This is especially alarming when you consider food's entire purpose is to sustain us and give us energy. Feeling tired after a very large meal can cause the same effect, but if you notice that every meal with gluten causes this kind of reaction, you might be gluten sensitive. The reason you feel exhausted is that your body is experiencing an overreaction to the gluten because it isn't being properly digested.
The body resists digestion and causes internal stress which in turn makes you feel wiped out. Your body is working overtime trying to heal the itself by reacting with inflammation. People with an intolerance to gluten experience an all out attack by their immune system on their small intestine. For people with sensitivities towards gluten, their immune system attack the gluten itself causing inflammation in the lining of your gut. This extreme response can lead to other symptoms in response to the gluten. Inflammation can spread through the body and eventually lead to chronic illnesses and an increase in weight.  This is the sort of serious stuff you find in the news about gluten-sensitivity.  
Never self-diagnose however.  Make sure you consult with a physician, as some of the symptoms of gluten-sensitivity are found in other health conditions.  If you are sensitive to gluten, make sure you buy foods like gluten-free pizza crusts.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

Friday, August 14, 2015

Gluten-Free Foods and Food Sensitivity

Gluten-free foods are a hot item nowadays.  But is switching to foods without gluten always necessary?
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357 | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Avoiding Chronic Illnesses

Fad diets such as the Paleo diet are all about reverting our diet back several thousand years.  For some people this diet works well, and scientists have shown that gluten, which is mostly found in wheat and other grains is a fairly recent addition to our diet.  Hence the need for things like gluten-free pizza crusts.
In recent years, more people are making the transition from western medicines to finding the root cause of their chronic illnesses. Instead of over-medicating and, suppressing their symptoms, people have seen the benefit of changing their diets in hopes of identifying a food sensitivity, such as switching to gluten-free foods.
What is a food sensitivity? This term has been tossed around in conjunction with other words like allergy and intolerance. What needs to to be understood is that they are three completely different things, that shouldn't be confused.

Gluten-Free Foods and Severe Health Risks

Having a food allergy means certain food/s cause you to have a classic allergic reaction. Making contact with the food can cause anaphylaxis which requires an injectable source of epinephrine.
Unlike an allergy, a food intolerance does not cause a potentially life-threatening situation. An intolerance to food says that you are lacking a digestive enzyme necessary to break down a certain food, thus causing various digestive problems such as diarrhea, bloating, and cramping. A person with lactose intolerance, has trouble processing the milk proteins but it is not an immune response like that of an allergy. Acute food sensitivity and allergies cause such distinct reactions that they are very easy to diagnose, especially in cases like celiac disease.
Food sensitivities on the other hand are a little harder to identify. They can manifest in a wide range of symptoms that include fatigue, acid reflux, bloating, headaches, anxiety and much more. Food sensitivities are not dangerous but they do impede your ability to live life comfortably.
Gluten has earned the reputation of becoming the newest fad diet, destined to fade out like its predecessors because of its now mainstream attention. The truth is, that people are now paying closer attention to the way they feel and are wanting to make a a more proactive approach to healing their bodies. Gluten plays a major role in food sensitivities, it being perhaps the biggest culprit alongside dairy and sugar. People with gluten sensitivity can suffer from brain fog, moodiness, headaches, fatigue, heartburn, acne, rosacea, dark circles, gas, bloating, constipation, anxiety, depression and even joint pain.
So whether or not you are going to switch, remember that healthy food such as gluten-free pizza crusts are a great way to start.
Read more on this subject here.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, August 7, 2015

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Removing Gluten from Your Diet (Contd.)

When you buy gluten-free pizza crusts, there are additional benefits of a gluten-free diet.  
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts| (310) 322–7357
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts| (310) 322–7357

Additional Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet

Over the years, we have decreased the consumption of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed meats, and a large proportion of what we eat during the day are highly processed foods, none of which is gluten-free. It is precisely the highly processed foods which often contain large amounts of fat, carbohydrates and gluten. When gluten is consumed in excess the discomforts appear. Overeating can lead to consumption of much of the gluten easily and this means eating large amounts of flour and sugars, all which are readily available at low prices. This, in addition, produces weight gain and can cause bloating, gas and abdominal pain. People with food sensitivity get the support of nutritionists and have learned to read the labels on the nutritional content of products. 
Most of the general population, however, is not celiac and is not concerned with the nutritional labeling on containers. People sensitive to foods or those relying on food labeling learn a lot from their nutritionists especially on the food composition rather than just the calories. Being aware of your health condition is vital for the general health of an individual. Knowing what is causing your food sensitivity is the beginning of a healthier immune system. 

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts: How a Gluten-Free Diet Can Help You

A gluten-free diet will help you live a better life without food allergies that may cause mild to severe physical or internal pains. It should be noted, however, that not all people that have food sensitivities should eat gluten-free foods. Some allergies may not be caused by the gluten protein which is the main cause for these allergies. It is therefore always advised to seek professional advice before enrolling into any diet routine. This will prevent any malnutrition that may be caused by eliminating harmful food from your diet. 
Ultimately, you want a physician's advice before going gluten-free. Celiac disease, for example, often has a genetic cause as well.  So if your parents are gluten-sensitive, you probably are as well.  
So remember, if you are sensitive to gluten, it's not the end of the world.  You just have to make adjustments to your diet.  Read food lables carefully, and buy foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357