There are several reasons to consider foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Sensitivity to Gluten
As we covered previously, people with gluten sensitivity can suffer from brain fog, moodiness, headaches, fatigue, heartburn, acne, rosacea, dark circles, gas, bloating, constipation, anxiety, depression and even joint pain. Many who suffer from these ailments never consider that their problem is as simple as a food sensitivity to gluten.
They are resolved to believe that the discomfort they feel is a normal part of life. They continue to live with it or they develop an unhealthy dependence on medications to suppress the pain.
How Gluten Attacks Your Body
The keyword here is inflammation. Gluten can cause an inflammatory response in your body, settling in areas that react with pain. A theory is that the inflammatory reaction is caused by the overuse of pesticides and GMO's used in modern farming. And with other inflammatory foods, gluten has the potential to raise cortisol levels and also cause a resistance to insulin.
What Are the Symptoms of Gluten-Sensitivity
Fatigue is a very common symptom of gluten sensitivity. After eating the trigger food, affected people will feel physically tired, sleepy, or lethargic. This is especially alarming when you consider food's entire purpose is to sustain us and give us energy. Feeling tired after a very large meal can cause the same effect, but if you notice that every meal with gluten causes this kind of reaction, you might be gluten sensitive. The reason you feel exhausted is that your body is experiencing an overreaction to the gluten because it isn't being properly digested.
The body resists digestion and causes internal stress which in turn makes you feel wiped out. Your body is working overtime trying to heal the itself by reacting with inflammation. People with an intolerance to gluten experience an all out attack by their immune system on their small intestine. For people with sensitivities towards gluten, their immune system attack the gluten itself causing inflammation in the lining of your gut. This extreme response can lead to other symptoms in response to the gluten. Inflammation can spread through the body and eventually lead to chronic illnesses and an increase in weight. This is the sort of serious stuff you find in the news about gluten-sensitivity.
Never self-diagnose however. Make sure you consult with a physician, as some of the symptoms of gluten-sensitivity are found in other health conditions. If you are sensitive to gluten, make sure you buy foods like gluten-free pizza crusts.