Friday, August 28, 2015

Gluten-free foods are gaining in popularity, but what a lot of people don't know is that it is often hard to find them...
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (310) 322–7357
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Foods and Why Gluten is a Hard Habit to Kick

How hard is it to find gluten-free foods?  While gluten may be the culprit causing you a laundry list of discomfort, there is no denying its allure. Foods containing gluten are among the most delicious out there! It's hard to imagine a life without breads, pastries, and pastas. They are everywhere and they taste so good. You might not be surprised to know that gluten has an incredibly addictive quality and is considered by many to be a natural opiate.
The opioid structures that gluten contain are called gluteomorphins and casomorphins. What makes these so scary is that they affect the mind like a drug. Many individuals eliminating gluten from their diet report a withdrawal period with symptoms very similar to those drug users and alcoholics. A very good reason for buying gluten-free pizza crusts and other foods without gluten
The antibodies that your body creates to combat the gluten are produced in excess leaving more than necessary. The left over antibodies hang around and cause you to crave more gluten so they can be utilized. Another theory to explain the weight gain and cravings that come with a gluten sensitivity has everything to do with the small intestine. The constant influx in gluten to your diet causes a lot of unnecessary damage to the area. The villi, are little feelers on your intestinal lining that absorb nutrients from the food you eat. The inflammation impairs the villi and you aren't getting the proper nutrients that your body requires, so it compensates by making you feel hungry. You eat, cause more inflammation and crave again. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Gluten-Free Foods and Eliminating Gluten From Your Diet

If you're interested in eliminating gluten from your diet to alleviate your symptoms, but want to be certain it's worth your time, try it out for six weeks. This is long enough to see a difference. If you have nothing beneficial to report after the six weeks, your sensitivity might be dairy or egg related. If six weeks seems too long, you can also take a blood test to see how your body responds to certain foods. These sorts of tests can be quite expensive, but it's all worth while if it can drastically improve your health and well being.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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