Friday, May 13, 2016

The Top Reasons Why You Should Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (Conclusion)

Gluten free foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts may help to prevent or control celiac disease.
As we covered previously, when talking about gluten issues, most people only think about the gut.  Which leads us to our next point.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and a Healthy Gut

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
(7) Preventing imbalances in the gut flora
Gut flora (also called gut microbiome or gut biome) is a group of friendly bacteria that reside in the gut. These bacteria help to regulate the immune system, digest food, control intestinal permeability, synthesize nutrients such as vitamin K2, convey fullness/hunger signals to the brain, and accomplish several critical functions. However, gut flora are averse to gluten and do not thrive when the gut is frequently exposed to the protein. In fact, studies have shown that people with celiac disease have terrible problems with their gut flora, which are significantly reduced when gluten is eliminated. Similarly, people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity experience gut flora disturbances. Going gluten-free can therefore help to restore a proper balance in the gut flora and enhance the overall health of the gut.
(8) Preventing skin problems
The most common cause of gluten-associated skin problems is celiac disease, which causes a condition called dermatitis herpetiformis. Dermatitis herpetiformis is characterized by a red itchy rash with raised blisters. However, studies have also demonstrated that non-celiac gluten sensitivity can also cause itchy skin problems similar to psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis herpetiformis on the arms and legs. Besides, many people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance find that their skin improves when they avoid gluten while conditions such as psoriasis and eczema usually improve with a gluten-free diet.

Gluten-Free Foods and Better Health

(9) Alleviation of symptoms of a variety of diseases
Gluten-free diets are effective in alleviating the symptoms of a variety of diseases. For example, people consuming well-balanced gluten-free vegan diets have increased antibodies which protect them against rheumatoid arthritis. Likewise, people with gastrointestinal tract conditions (such as IBS, colitis and Crohn’s disease) feel better when they eat gluten-free pizza crusts. Equally, a gluten-free diet is protective against type 1 diabetes while autistic children fed on gluten-free foods show positive behavioral and developmental improvements.
Just like people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivities, eating a gluten-free diet provides several benefits and can improve your health and well-being. Nevertheless, before deciding to go gluten-free, it is important to consult your doctor and to work with a competent dietician. This will ensure that you are always on a balanced diet and receive adequate nutrients. Equally, you must assess the quality and safety of gluten-free foods before buying them.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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