Friday, December 30, 2016

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Online: Why You Should (Contd.)

If you want to buy gluten-free pizza crusts, you want to make sure you find a good supplier.

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Again | 310-322-7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Find a Good Supplier

As we covered previously, if you have Celiac disease, you know very well that your body cannot tolerate gluten. When individuals with this disease consume gluten, their bodies initiate an immune response that attacks the small intestine. These types of attacks lead to very significant damage of the small intestine, and make it much more difficult for their bodies to absorb nutrients.

Continuing from our previous list, here are some reasons to go on a gluten-free diet.

You are gluten sensitive. Even if you do not have Celiac disease, if you still feel ill after eating foods that include gluten, it is likely that you are gluten sensitive. You are most likely going to need a product like a gluten-free pizza crust or a gluten-free flatbread. Those with gluten sensitivity often experience intestinal or extra-intestinal symptoms after consuming gluten. These symptoms tend to disappear after the gluten is removed from the body. If you are gluten sensitive, it might actually feel like eating pizza isn't worth the horrible tummy ache afterwards.

When you decide to buy gluten-free pizza crusts, you enable yourself to enjoy this wonderful doughy treat without all the unfavorable symptoms of regular pizza.

Gluten-free pizza crusts are delicious. They really are. Instead of using regular flour, many gluten-free pizza crusts available online use whole grain brown rice flour. In order to get a similar rise to standard pizza crust, active dry yeast is added. Furthermore, gluten-free pizza crusts are flaky and just as flavorful as regular dough, as they include eggs and either butter or olive oil.

More Reasons To Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

You want more energy. Studies have shown that people who decide to switch to gluten-free diets feel more energized throughout their everyday lives. Despite popular belief, eating an excess of carbohydrates can actually decrease your long-term energy levels. If you switch to a gluten-free diet, you will most likely be eating less foods dense in carbohydrates altogether. This said, you shouldn't have to compromise your gluten-free desires on cheat day. Buy gluten-free pizza crusts online today in order to enjoy pizza and still achieve your goals! 5. Gluten-rich diets are not traditional. The high levels of gluten so many people consume today are not historically natural, and wheat-based foods that include gluten are not natural or healthy either. The growth of modern wheat is artificially catalyzed, and this results in even higher levels of gluten present within the crops. Many gluten-free pizza crusts you can find online include much healthier types of flour, including brown rice flour, as mentioned above, in addition to pea flour, oat flour, and different types of bean flours.

When you find a good supplier, such as a gluten-free bakery website, make sure you bookmark the page so you can order from them again. 


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, December 23, 2016

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Online: Why You Should

Buying gluten-free pizza crusts is more than just a matter of choice. It is also a health issue for people with Celiac disease or any form of gluten-sensitivity or gluten-intolerance.
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Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

You have probably seen the term "gluten-free" all over the internet by now. What exactly is gluten, and why are so many people trying to free themselves of it? To start, gluten is a special type of protein located in many carbohydrate-dense foods including wheat, many grains, and some cereals. Gluten's primary function is to keep foods intact as they endure the fermentation process. It keeps your food together. This being said, why would anybody want to eliminate this seemingly important ingredient from their diets? It's true, gluten-free diets are certainly on the rise, and it is for a particular reason. Gluten-rich diets tend to cause problems and be unhealthy, whether it is because of the gluten itself, or because of the processed foods that are typically associated with gluten. Despite this, nobody should have to live a life without pizza. Regular pizza crust is packed full of gluten and nutrient-poor ingredients however. Fortunately, even if you are gluten sensitive, are burdened with Celiac disease, or simply wish to live healthier, you can still enjoy pizza with gluten-free pizza crust.

Where can you find gluten-free pizza crust? One good place to find them is an online source. You can check out the store to make sure that they have some sort of certification regarding their standards and levels of food safety.

Reasons To Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

Here are several reasons why you absolutely should buy gluten-free pizza crusts from a gluten-free bakery right now.

  1. You have Celiac disease. If you have Celiac disease, you know very well that your body cannot tolerate gluten. When individuals with this disease consume gluten, their bodies initiate an immune response that attacks the small intestine. These types of attacks lead to very significant damage of the small intestine, and make it much more difficult for their bodies to absorb nutrients. 

Unfortunately, the only actual form of treatment for Celiac disease is a gluten-free diet. This means you cannot relish standard types of pizza. However, this doesn't mean you cannot enjoy pizza at all. Gluten-free pizza crust invites you into the wonderful world of pizza you thought you would never be able to enjoy. Buy gluten-free pizza crusts today.

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Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, December 16, 2016

Avoiding Gluten: Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust (Conclusion)

Gluten-free pizza crusts are one of the best ways to go on a gluten-free diet. But is a gluten-free diet right for everyone? As we covered previously, it is imperative to buy gluten-free pizza crusts that are certified as being 100% gluten-free. These certified foods are made in food manufacturing plants where there is no other gluten products made at that specific location. Other processed food labels should state the use of gluten but have to be read very carefully by the consumer.

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Should I Go on a Gluten-Free Diet?

There may be great health benefits to starting and maintaining a gluten-free diet. People who want to begin eating gluten free should consult their family physician.

A physician can also be a good resource for a gluten free foods list with such items as gluten-free pizza crusts. A doctor may also provide other ways to incorporate healthy whole foods and grains that do not contain gluten into a daily diet. Once you notice some of the symptoms of allergy and constipation, you should pare down your intake of buckwheat, millet, and rice. Multi vitamins and mineral supplements To avoid celiac disease, your best bet would be to look for supplements that can keep your diet free of gluten. Common and everyday diets in western countries are loaded with gluten and usually leads to malabsorption of nutrients. Your system could soon turn intolerant to its intake. You could rely on good multi vitamins and mineral supplements that are also available in the form of formulas requiring little or no digestion. Many people coast to coast are checking out organic foods that are free from the harmful effects of gluten. By avoiding pasta, bread, and cereals, you can go in for vegetables and fruits grown organically for a more balanced and healthy diet.

Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

People with celiac disease are advised to stay away from food products with gluten. This is the reason why many health food stores and groceries offer gluten free foods. Gluten is a type of protein that is found in wheat, cereals, and some grains. Its purpose is to maintain elasticity during fermentation, which prevents foods from having a sticky texture. Individuals who suffer from celiac disease can't process gluten. The illness can lead to complications such as infertility and gastrointestinal troubles because gluten is a harmful invader to their body. Their bodies' immune system creates a response that damages the small intestines and results in several nutritional deficiencies and gastrointestinal issues. 

Foods for People without Celiac Disease
Gluten is found in most processed foods. Going on a diet means avoiding eating processed foods, which often contain a lot of empty calories anyway. Avoiding processed foods becomes a natural way to lose weight. There are people who are sensitive to gluten but don't suffer from celiac disease. They would feel better with a diet consisting of gluten free foods. Gluten sensitivity is a common condition where people have adverse reactions to gluten. 

Ultimately, you want what's best for you and your body.  So consult a physician and if he or she agrees, go gluten-free, and find foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.  


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245

(310) 322–7357

Friday, December 9, 2016

Avoiding Gluten: Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust (Contd.)

Gluten-free pizza crusts are more than just a healthy option.  They may even save your life, quite literally.

Go Gluten-Free | Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Online |
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

As we covered previously, one thing that often isn't on anyone's radar is the danger of gluten-sensitivity. Which is why there are solutions such as gluten-free pizza crust. Why? Because gluten is in a lot of products, both food and non-food. Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten is found in foods that use these grains in the ingredients. Common foods that contain gluten include bread, cereals, and pasta.

It is also imperative to buy gluten-free pizza crusts that are certified as being 100% gluten-free. These certified foods are made in food manufacturing plants where there is no other gluten products made at that specific location. Other processed food labels should state the use of gluten but have to be read very carefully by the consumer.
There may be great health benefits to starting and maintaining a gluten-free diet. People who want to begin eating gluten free should consult their family physician. A physician can also be a good resource for a gluten free foods list. A doctor may also provide other ways to incorporate healthy whole foods and grains that do not contain gluten into a daily diet. 

Avoiding Gluten in Your Diet With the Help of Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

If you are looking for complex protein, then wheat, barley, and rye has it in loads and are not Gluten free. It is sticky and feels like chewing gum and it is stretchy as well If you have an old health issue regarding digestive problems, you need to go for gluten free food by checking out the list of gluten free foods available. As it remains undigested, you can get lots of problems like bad bacteria in the intestine. It will be sticking to the walls of the intestine and stand in the way of proper absorption of nutrients in your daily diet.

If the nutrients do not get absorbed, they can settle in your blood stream and lead to allergic conditions. Gluten free diet has long been prescribed for those suffering from autism, schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis and they feel better without them. An inflammatory bowel syndrome known as Crohn's disease and celiac disease are common among those who do not stick to a gluten free diet. The lining of the small intestine can get damaged in the long run and people are slowly realizing the benefits of sticking to a diet free from gluten, and the importance of foods like gluten-free pizza crust.


Continue...Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, December 2, 2016

Avoiding Gluten: Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

Buying gluten-free pizza crust is one of the best ways to avoid exposure to gluten. And avoiding gluten is often harder than you might think.

Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust | 310-322-7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Why Gluten is in Everything

Everything causes cancer.  That's what we often perceive with our diet of 24X7, 365 news.  One day, one "expert" will state categorically that coffee causes cancer, and another will say that a bit of coffee is good.  The acai berry is a powerful antioxidant and cancer-fighter, the next day it's nothing but hype.  However, one thing that often isn't on anyone's radar is the danger of gluten-sensitivity.  Which is why there are solutions such as gluten-free pizza crust.  Why? Because gluten is in a lot of products, both food and non-food.

Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten is found in foods that use these grains in the ingredients. Common foods that contain gluten include bread, cereals, and pasta. Even though these may be the most common foods there are many others that contain gluten as well. Wheat especially is hidden in many foods that the average person consumes every day.  Another good reason to find a source for gluten-free foods.

Oats are a grain that is questionable for this subject. Some people with gluten intolerance can eat them. Some research indicates that oats themselves do not contain gluten but they usually are manufactured with wheat products, causing cross-contamination. Due to this contamination oats often get left off of a Gluten-free food list. Other research explains that oats contain a protein that is very similar to wheat and should not be included in a gluten-free diet. Oats continue to be debated for this issue.
Gluten is most often used in bread dough to make it chewy. It also helps to make the dough less sticky. Gluten is also an aid for the bread to maintain its softness and its shape. Wheat flour and wheat starch are another gluten product that helps to create softness and shape in bread based products. Wheat starch is often used as a thickener for soups, dressings, marinades, and other liquid food products. Gluten is also found in candy, cosmetics and other things that might surprise you.

A Gluten-Free Diet.  Is it Right For You?

The number of people who maintain a gluten-free diet is growing. People with Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance, and Autism often stay strict to a diet with no gluten, and buy gluten-free pizza crusts and other foods. There are other reasons why a physician may suggest a gluten free diet. People who suffer from acid reflux, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other medical concerns may try a diet without Gluten. The diet may give relief from the symptoms associated with any of these medical diagnoses.

Gluten-free foods include most whole fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meats. There are grains that do not contain gluten such as millet, wild rice, corn, quinoa, and soybeans. Other foods such as bread, pasta, gluten-free pizza crusts and cereals can be purchased as long as there is a certified gluten free label on the packaging. 

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Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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