Better Digestive Health and Gluten-Free Pizza Crust
If you suffer from persistent digestive issues, completely eliminating gluten from your diet, such as switching to gluten-free pizza crust, may help alleviate some of your problems. For those with Celiac disease, gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine and also flattens the intestinal villi, which reduces the amount of nutrients that can be absorbed and can lead to malnutrition. The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness states that eliminating gluten reduces stomach upset, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and constipation in those with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Many people who have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Crohn's disease may also have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity is not as simple to diagnose as Celiac disease, but can clearly contribute to gastro-intestinal issues.Eliminate all gluten from your diet for at least two weeks to see if there is any improvement in your symptoms. Switch to gluten-free pizza crust. Some people start to feel better within a few days of eliminating gluten from their diet.
Increased Energy Levels. Do you wish you could have a long nap every afternoon? Fatigue is a common complaint of those with Celiac disease or who have gastro-intestinal issues. If you are sensitive to gluten, it's quite likely that your body is not absorbing the necessary amount of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Even low levels of malnutrition can result in lowered energy levels, and episodes of fatigue, especially in the afternoon. Individuals with gluten intolerance often experience intense feeling of tiredness and weakness that are unexplained. In severe cases, you may become anemic due to iron deficiency, which can cause extreme fatigue, bruising, and shortness of breath.
More Energy With Gluten-Free Pizza Crust?
Eliminating gluten from your diet may work much better that drinking several cups of coffee, or grabbing a sugary treat that will pick you up initially, but leads to a crash later. By eliminating gluten, the inflammation in your intestines will begin to subside, and your body can start to absorb an adequate level of nutrients. In many cases, this can quickly increase your energy level. One way is through gluten-free pizza crusts.Skin problems may clear up. Many people also find their skin improves when they ditch gluten. Other common skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis may also show some improvement with gluten-free pizza crusts. Your mood may be elevated. One benefit of gluten-free pizza crusts often overlooked is improved mood and overall neurological health. Many individuals on a gluten-free diet report that they are much more aware of their surroundings, able to focus better and think more clearly. Individuals who are sensitive to gluten usually find eating gluten causes a number of adverse side effects such as a cloudy mind, attention issues, frequent headaches, and in some cases even severe depression.
None of this is a substitute for medical care. So go see your doctor. And if he agrees, switch to gluten-free pizza crust today.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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