Friday, January 16, 2015

All You Need To Know About Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

Gluten Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-free pizza crusts are just one example of the growing concern about gluten-sensitivity.

How Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Can Help

Gluten-free pizza crusts can help.  Gluten is a protein that is found in quite a number of grains, including spelt, wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is made up of two proteins, namely glutenin and gliadin. Unfortunately, gliadin can have serious negative implications on a person's health. It can cause a number of auto-immune disorders, with the most serious being celiac disease. When the gluten protein is ingested, it goes to the stomach where the immune system may mistake it for a foreign invader such as a bacteria. The immune system may begin to attack the gluten, and at the same time attack the intestinal walls and the tissue transglutaminase cells in the digestive track. This can result in various problems, including anemia, digestive issues, fatigue and nutrient deficiencies. 
Due to the high risks that are associated with foods that have gluten, a lot of people are striving to eliminate gluten from their diet. This has been difficult since grains such as wheat are commonly used in a lot of foods and recipes. Pizza is one of the most popular foods in most countries, and the crust is made from wheat. However, instead of completely eliminating pizza from the diet, most people and professional restaurants are using gluten-free pizza crusts to make this delicacy. The great news is that the pizza will still have its trademark great taste, without any of the risks that are associated with gluten consumption.

Gluten-Free Alternatives

When making gluten-free pizza crusts, companies, restaurants and individuals are shunning wheat and using other ingredients. Some of the best alternatives include rice, potato flour and potato starch. In order to make a great crust, the restaurant or individual will use these alternative ingredients together with yeast, sugar, tapioca and olive oil. However, since wheat flour that is mixed with water is sticky, they will have to use xanthan gum in order to make the perfect pizza dough. There are also some experts who recommend cauliflower or almond flour as the perfect wheat flour alternatives. Coconut flour can also be used to make the perfect crisp pizza crust.
Ultimately, however, it is a combination of things.  You want to make sure that the gluten-free pizza crusts you're using have a combination of safety, flavor, and ease of ordering.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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