There are some surprising health benefits of a gluten-free diet.
Gluten-Free Bread Crumbs and Cognitive Function
A diet containing things like gluten-free bread crumbs or other products that fall within gluten-free guidelines can help boost cognitive function in individuals who suffer from Celiac Disease. This relatively new discovery adds to previous benefits which were found to improve overall intestinal health.
The study brings new hope and awareness to those who deal with common but burdensome intestinal disease. It has been proven time and time again that a gluten-free diet has not only been associated with physical well-being but also contributes to a Celiac patient's mental state as well. A gluten-free diet can be a therapeutic resource in reducing the symptoms of depression in people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.
Brain Fog May Be Caused By Gluten Sensitivity
If a patient suffers from Celiac Disease, whenver there is a presence of gluten in the body, the small intestine reacts, which then activates an immune response. If this reaction continues it will inevitably lead to nutrient malabsorption and chronic inflammation. The common symptoms associated with Celiac Disease are bloating, stomach pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. With time, nutrient deficiencies can be triggered by the malabsorption, which will eventually lead to developmental problems in several organs of the body, which can ultimately lead to the failure of these organs all-together. In addition to intestinal issues, celiac disease has been linked to a phenomenon called “brain fog”, which is a combination of a few varied cognitive symptoms such as attention problems, memory loss and inability to focus and concentrate. It is relatively well-known within the individuals who suffer from the disease is that when a proper gluten-free diet is followed, the symptoms of brain fog slowly dissipate. And brain fog may be more serious than you might think. Prolonged symptoms could cause cognitive failure which can be critical at the wrong moment.
At this point in time, there is no cure for celiac disease, however, following a consistent diet made up of gluten-free foods such as bread crumbs and similar foods reduces flares up which in turn can help with healing where intestinal damage is concerned. So remember, if you have any sort of gluten-sensitivity, take care of yourself. Eat gluten-free bread crumbs and other products that lead to a healthy lifestyle.