There is a difference between a food labeled as being gluten-free and a food that has a label of 100% gluten-free. And the difference can literally be a matter of life and death.
Gluten-Free Vs. Trace Amounts of Gluten
There is a big difference between a food that's 100% gluten-free and a food that is labeled as gluten-free.
While these foods may only have trace amounts of gluten in them, this small amount can do a lot of damage. The other problem you will run into when buying packaged and processed foods is that they may very well be gluten free, but they aren't certified that way. So you may end up passing on a food even though it was safe to eat. So be smart, buy raw ingredients and prepare them yourself.
Gluten-Free Specialty Foods
As we covered in our previous article, for people with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance the biggest issue they faced was no longer being able to eat their favorite foods. Imagine never being able to eat a pizza again, or a sandwich, muffin, or pasta. For people who cannot tolerate gluten this is a reality they are faced with.
The good news is that there are a growing number of gluten-free foods that offer an alternative to simply giving up your favorite foods. Breads and pastas can now be made with rice flour or another suitable alternative giving you the ability to enjoy bread again, but also to avoid punishing your body at the same time. While you probably won't like all of the gluten-free foods that are out there, you probably will enjoy quite a few of them if you give them a shot.
The bottom line is that gluten-free foods give people who can't tolerate gluten options. They give them the ability to enjoy foods that they may have thought were forever taken away from them. Any food lover will tell you that the prospect of never again enjoying a bit of their favorite dish would be torture. Gluten-free foods are an alternative that anyone who cannot or does not want to eat gluten should spend the time exploring and tasting.
Going gluten-free, whether by choice or necessity, is much easier today than it was years ago in the past. There is now a large assortment of gluten-free foods made by many manufacturers that can help you to find alternatives that will let you enjoy your favorite foods once again. Going gluten-free is a major lifestyle change. But the good news is that it's a change that is not going to be as hard on you as you might imagine.
Between natural foods that don't contain gluten, and specialty foods, there are a lot of gluten-free foods that you can eat and enjoy so that you have a diverse and satisfying diet.
Read more on this subject here.