Friday, October 23, 2015

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and The Truth About Gluten

Gluten-free pizza crusts.  Are they just a fad, or is there a valid reason to switch to them.  Today's society often appears health obsessed. Articles about weight loss and dieting are rampant throughout tabloids and across the internet; more people than ever seem to be on a kale kick, a lactose leave, or are jumping into juicing. Yet one fad prevails above the rest: the number of people going gluten free.
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts| (310) 322–7357
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts| (310) 322–7357

Why Should You Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

Why does it suddenly seem like so many people are dropping gluten from their diets? Is gluten sensitivity a legitimate disease, or simply another diet gone wild?
Although many people are choosing to eliminate gluten from their plates in the hopes of losing weight or increasing their overall health, gluten intolerance truly is a legitimate disease. Today, about one percent of Americans are sufferers of Celiac Disease- that is, of gluten intolerance. Celiac Disease is a genetic autoimmune disease that damages the lining of the small intestine and inhibits the body's ability to absorb nutrients from foods.
Taken alone, this is a weighty piece of information: Celiac disease can greatly challenge a sufferer's ability to enjoy life. For someone who is gluten intolerant, ingesting gluten products can cause extreme gastrointestinal distress, migraines, and interfere with his or her ability to properly focus. For a gluten intolerant human being, consuming a sandwich could lead to an inability to properly function for the rest of the school or work day, thereby reaping intensely grave results.

Celiac Disease and a Gluten-Free Diet

A person who has Celiac disease could find herself constantly sick after her morning waffles, and unable to properly attend to her children. These are but two examples of how much of an impact simply ingesting gluten can have on the life of a Celiac disease sufferer. Yet, Celiac disease can progress to a point beyond indigestion, migraines, and distraction. If left undiagnosed or unacknowledged, gluten intolerance can do a lot more to hinder health: Celiac disease can lead to a plethora of other disorders, including infertility, mental health issues, osteoporosis, several types of cancer, and other autoimmune diseases.
Intestinal cancer is one possible complication of Celiac disease. Due to their compromised immune systems, those who suffer from the disease are 40-100 percent more likely to develop lymphomas in the small intestine than are those who are not gluten sensitive.
So as you see, there's more to this "fad" than you might think.  So make sure you get healthy alternatives such as gluten-free pizza crusts.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357