There are several reasons to consider buying gluten-free pizza crusts as well as other gluten-free baked goods.
Why Should I Eat Gluten-Free Baked Goods
Some people have to be on a gluten-free diet because they have been diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, in which case the only cure is to go on a gluten-free diet.
Others opt for gluten-free foods because they suspect gluten to be causing them adverse effects they wish to avoid. And still others turn to a gluten-free diet after learning that gluten can inflame the lining of their intestinal walls and as a result they seek to remove gluten from their diet. Regardless of the circumstances, a gluten-free lifestyle may be of great benefit to almost anyone. Here are the top reasons why you should consider buying gluten-free pizza crusts.
Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts: A Sharp Move
(1) Gluten problems can affect a wide range of people.
The most common problem with gluten is celiac disease, an autoimmune reaction that is provoked by ingestion of gluten and which is treated with a gluten-free diet. Studies have shown that around 30-40% of people have the genetic markers to potentially develop celiac disease, although only 1-3% of people have the disorder. While it is understood that celiac disease requires strict avoidance of gluten, a lot of people think that if you do not have celiac disease then you are completely clear to eat a gluten-rich diet. This is not true. In fact, numerous people have reported sensitivity to gluten that haven't been diagnosed with celiac disease.
The most common problem with gluten is celiac disease, an autoimmune reaction that is provoked by ingestion of gluten and which is treated with a gluten-free diet. Studies have shown that around 30-40% of people have the genetic markers to potentially develop celiac disease, although only 1-3% of people have the disorder. While it is understood that celiac disease requires strict avoidance of gluten, a lot of people think that if you do not have celiac disease then you are completely clear to eat a gluten-rich diet. This is not true. In fact, numerous people have reported sensitivity to gluten that haven't been diagnosed with celiac disease.
(2) Preventing gut inflammation
Gluten is a protein that in people that are gluten-sensitive becomes an irritant which compels the immune system to respond through inflammation. While the most common forms of gluten-associated inflammation are seen in individuals with celiac disease and gluten intolerance, many people have reported gluten-related gut inflammation even when they do not have celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Therefore, eating gluten-free baked goods is an effective way of avoiding the health risks associated with frequent gut inflammation.
Gluten is a protein that in people that are gluten-sensitive becomes an irritant which compels the immune system to respond through inflammation. While the most common forms of gluten-associated inflammation are seen in individuals with celiac disease and gluten intolerance, many people have reported gluten-related gut inflammation even when they do not have celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Therefore, eating gluten-free baked goods is an effective way of avoiding the health risks associated with frequent gut inflammation.
(3) Preventing intestinal permeability
Frequent gut inflammation can result in a condition called intestinal permeability. Typically, the gut has a complex and functional “border control” mechanism that allows the passage of digested food into the bloodstream and locks out everything else (including viruses, bacteria, dust molecules and other materials ingested with food. However, as we will cover in the next part of this article this body function doesn't always work, particularly with gluten-sensitivity.
Frequent gut inflammation can result in a condition called intestinal permeability. Typically, the gut has a complex and functional “border control” mechanism that allows the passage of digested food into the bloodstream and locks out everything else (including viruses, bacteria, dust molecules and other materials ingested with food. However, as we will cover in the next part of this article this body function doesn't always work, particularly with gluten-sensitivity.
So remember, you are the primary guardian of your health. Start out by eating right. Buy gluten-free pizza crusts today.
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