Friday, January 30, 2015

Gluten-Free Diets and Improved Brain Function

There are some surprising health benefits of a gluten-free diet.
Gluten-free bread crumbs may also help improve brain function | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-free bread crumbs may also help improve brain function | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Bread Crumbs and Cognitive Function

A diet containing things like gluten-free bread crumbs or other  products that fall within gluten-free guidelines can help boost cognitive function in individuals who suffer from Celiac Disease. This relatively new discovery adds to previous benefits which were found to improve overall intestinal health.
The study brings new hope and awareness to those who deal with common but burdensome intestinal disease. It has been proven time and time again that a gluten-free diet has not only been associated with physical well-being but also contributes to a Celiac patient's mental state as well. A gluten-free diet can be a therapeutic resource in reducing the symptoms of depression in people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.

Brain Fog May Be Caused By Gluten Sensitivity

If a patient suffers from Celiac Disease,  whenver there is a presence of gluten in the body, the small intestine reacts, which then activates an immune response. If this reaction continues it will inevitably lead to nutrient malabsorption and chronic inflammation. The common symptoms associated with Celiac Disease are bloating, stomach pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. With time, nutrient deficiencies can be triggered by the malabsorption, which will eventually lead to developmental problems in several organs of the body, which can ultimately lead to the failure of these organs all-together. In addition to intestinal issues, celiac disease has been linked to a phenomenon called “brain fog”, which is a combination of a few varied cognitive symptoms such as attention problems, memory loss and inability to focus and concentrate. It is relatively well-known within the individuals who suffer from the disease is that when a proper gluten-free diet is followed, the symptoms of brain fog slowly dissipate. And brain fog may be more serious than you might think.  Prolonged symptoms could cause cognitive failure which can be critical at the wrong moment.
At this point in time, there is no cure for celiac disease, however, following a consistent diet made up of gluten-free foods such as bread crumbs and similar foods reduces flares up which in turn can help with healing where intestinal damage is concerned.   So remember, if you have any sort of gluten-sensitivity, take care of yourself.  Eat gluten-free bread crumbs and other products that lead to a healthy lifestyle.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, January 23, 2015

All You Need To Know About Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (Contd.)

Gluten-free pizza crusts are a great way of having a gluten-free diet.  
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (310) 322–7357
Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and a Healthy Life


  1. The first obvious benefit is that it reduces health-related complications for people who suffer from celiac disease or other diseases that are associated with gluten consumption.

  1. Gluten alternatives are easier to digest than gluten products such as wheat. Therefore, a pizza crust that is gluten-free will be easier on the digestive system, and the consumer will feel better after eating it.

  1. Gluten-free products are very tasty. Though grains such as wheat and rye are used in a lot of recipes, their alternatives are just as sumptuous. Therefore, individuals do not have to worry about the taste of their pizza being affected because it was made from rice and potato flour as opposed to wheat flour.

  1. Individuals who suffer from neurological diseases will notice a marked improvement if they take foods that have no gluten. People who have diseases such as schizophrenia, autism and epilepsy will notice a significant improvement if they remove gluten from their diet.

  1. Gluten is associated with a lot of health complications, even in individuals who do not suffer from celiac disease. Some of the problems that can be avoided by taking a gluten-free diet include stool inconsistency, bloating, fatigue, diarrhea and stomach pains.

  1. There have been a lot of advances in food technology. Gluten-free products have been produced to taste and smell better, and some even have the same texture as wheat flour, without any of the risks. This has helped to ensure that gluten-free pizzas taste just as great, if not better than pizza made from wheat.


  1. The only disadvantage of buying pizza that has been made from gluten-free flour is that they are slightly more expensive. However, considering all the health benefits that the consumer will gain, as well as all the risks that they will be avoiding by consuming gluten-free pizza, one may argue that this gluten-free pizza offers great value for money.

Just because a person is on a gluten-free diet does not mean that they have to forego their favorite Italian pizza. Gluten-free alternatives have made it possible for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity to enjoy a slice of pizza without the risk of becoming seriously ill.  So buy yourself some gluten-free pizza crusts and stop worrying.  
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Our Story

Friday, January 16, 2015

All You Need To Know About Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

Gluten Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-free pizza crusts are just one example of the growing concern about gluten-sensitivity.

How Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Can Help

Gluten-free pizza crusts can help.  Gluten is a protein that is found in quite a number of grains, including spelt, wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is made up of two proteins, namely glutenin and gliadin. Unfortunately, gliadin can have serious negative implications on a person's health. It can cause a number of auto-immune disorders, with the most serious being celiac disease. When the gluten protein is ingested, it goes to the stomach where the immune system may mistake it for a foreign invader such as a bacteria. The immune system may begin to attack the gluten, and at the same time attack the intestinal walls and the tissue transglutaminase cells in the digestive track. This can result in various problems, including anemia, digestive issues, fatigue and nutrient deficiencies. 
Due to the high risks that are associated with foods that have gluten, a lot of people are striving to eliminate gluten from their diet. This has been difficult since grains such as wheat are commonly used in a lot of foods and recipes. Pizza is one of the most popular foods in most countries, and the crust is made from wheat. However, instead of completely eliminating pizza from the diet, most people and professional restaurants are using gluten-free pizza crusts to make this delicacy. The great news is that the pizza will still have its trademark great taste, without any of the risks that are associated with gluten consumption.

Gluten-Free Alternatives

When making gluten-free pizza crusts, companies, restaurants and individuals are shunning wheat and using other ingredients. Some of the best alternatives include rice, potato flour and potato starch. In order to make a great crust, the restaurant or individual will use these alternative ingredients together with yeast, sugar, tapioca and olive oil. However, since wheat flour that is mixed with water is sticky, they will have to use xanthan gum in order to make the perfect pizza dough. There are also some experts who recommend cauliflower or almond flour as the perfect wheat flour alternatives. Coconut flour can also be used to make the perfect crisp pizza crust.
Ultimately, however, it is a combination of things.  You want to make sure that the gluten-free pizza crusts you're using have a combination of safety, flavor, and ease of ordering.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Our Story

Friday, January 9, 2015

Is it Time to Go Gluten-Free? (Contd.)

There is a difference between a food labeled as being gluten-free and a food that has a label of 100% gluten-free.  And the difference can literally be a matter of life and death.
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Foods | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Vs. Trace Amounts of Gluten

There is a big difference between a food that's 100% gluten-free and a food that is labeled as gluten-free.
While these foods may only have trace amounts of gluten in them, this small amount can do a lot of damage. The other problem you will run into when buying packaged and processed foods is that they may very well be gluten free, but they aren't certified that way. So you may end up passing on a food even though it was safe to eat. So be smart, buy raw ingredients and prepare them yourself.

Gluten-Free Specialty Foods

As we covered in our previous article, for people with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance the biggest issue they faced was no longer being able to eat their favorite foods. Imagine never being able to eat a pizza again, or a sandwich, muffin, or pasta. For people who cannot tolerate gluten this is a reality they are faced with.
The good news is that there are a growing number of gluten-free foods that offer an alternative to simply giving up your favorite foods. Breads and pastas can now be made with rice flour or another suitable alternative giving you the ability to enjoy bread again, but also to avoid punishing your body at the same time. While you probably won't like all of the gluten-free foods that are out there, you probably will enjoy quite a few of them if you give them a shot.
The bottom line is that gluten-free foods give people who can't tolerate gluten options. They give them the ability to enjoy foods that they may have thought were forever taken away from them. Any food lover will tell you that the prospect of never again enjoying a bit of their favorite dish would be torture. Gluten-free foods are an alternative that anyone who cannot or does not want to eat gluten should spend the time exploring and tasting.
Going gluten-free, whether by choice or necessity, is much easier today than it was years ago in the past. There is now a large assortment of gluten-free foods made by many manufacturers that can help you to find alternatives that will let you enjoy your favorite foods once again. Going gluten-free is a major lifestyle change. But the good news is that it's a change that is not going to be as hard on you as you might imagine.
Between natural foods that don't contain gluten, and specialty foods, there are a lot of gluten-free foods that you can eat and enjoy so that you have a diverse and satisfying diet.
Read more on this subject here.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, January 2, 2015

Is it Time to Go Gluten-Free?

Is it time to go gluten-free?  It may be, and this article explores why...
Going Gluten-Free is now easier than you might think | (310) 322–7357
Going Gluten-Free is now easier than you might think | (310) 322–7357

How Hard is It to Go Gluten-Free?

How hard is it to go gluten-free?  Going gluten-free is easier today than ever before thanks to the wide range of new foods that are available to people who have made this healthy diet choice. Some people choose to go gluten-free because they want to eat in a healthier way. However far more people choose to go gluten-free because they have Celiac Disease, or suffer from some other type of gluten intolerance. For people who suffer from these conditions the only way to get relief is to avoid eating any type of wheat or wheat product.

There is no medication or other type of treatment, if you have Celiac Disease or any other type of gluten intolerance you must avoid eating anything that contains wheat. While this does mean that you will have to eat a restrictive diet, it is not nearly as restrictive as you might imagine. There are a lot of natural foods that you can eat that are gluten-free, and there is also an ever growing number of specialty foods that you can choose from as well.

Natural Food Choices That Are Safe To Eat and Gluten-Free

The first type of foods you should look into eating when you want to go gluten-free are foods that naturally don't contain any wheat proteins. There are a lot of foods that you can eat that are all natural and still meet the gluten-free requirements that you need. Foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, beef, chicken, nuts, and eggs are all very nutritious and delicious foods that do not contain any wheat and thus no gluten. When you are purchasing these types of foods to prepare it's always best to buy all natural foods that have not been processed. The reason for this is that you can never be certain that a food is gluten-free when it is in a package unless it specifically states that it is.
Even with packaging, however, use caution.  What a lot of people don't realize is that some so called gluten-free products are made in facilities that also make regular baked goods as well, and with that in mind, there is a risk of cross-contamination. To someone who is just going gluten-free for dietary reasons, this isn't a huge problem.
For someone who has celiac disease or some other form of gluten allergy, this can literally be life-threatening.
So remember, be careful.  And where your food is concerned, make sure you get foods that are 100% certified gluten-free.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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