Friday, April 10, 2015

Gluten-Free Foods and Gluten Sensitivity (Contd.)

Sometimes finding gluten-free foods is challenging.  Why?  Well, because gluten is used in a great many foods and products.  This is one key reason why  some people never recover from celiac disease, and it can be a lifelong struggle.
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts| (310) 322–7357
Gluten Free Pizza Crusts| (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Foods May Not Be Enough

The main reason why some people might not show improvement even if they switch to foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts, is because smaller quantities of gluten are still ingested from other sources.Gluten is present in foods that most people wouldn't suspect.  For example,gluten is used as a binding agent in some forms of candy or ice cream. Even some foods that are labeled as gluten-free may be processed in the same facility as foods that contain gluten, which means that surfaces may have residual amounts of gluten on them.  In addition, one of the other uses for gluten is as a preservative.  Dietary information labels currently do not have any labels for gluten, and even though cases of gluten-sensitivity have been rising over the past few decades, at present it isn't mandatory for a food to list gluten as one of its ingredients.
If a patient with celiac disease eats a food with even a trace amount of gluten it in, it can negate the health benefits of going gluten-free.  Another problem that people with gluten-sensitivity run into is how unhealthy some gluten-free foods can be.  Sometimes to improve the flavor of a food such as a gluten-free pizza crust, a lot of salt and/or fat is added, including some big time health risks such as partially hydrogenated oils.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts:  One Possible Solution

One thing that may be of help is to use gluten-free pizza crusts as a good substitute for foods such as wraps or other forms of flatbread. However, not all crusts are the same.  It's necessary to check out the facility as well.  Are they 100% gluten-free?  Do they have certification to back up their claim?  Is the certification from a recognized authority?  These may sound more than a bit fussy, however, without this knowledge the risk of gluten-contamination goes up significantly.
So be smart.  Do a bit of research before you buy.  While this is sound advice for a lot of purchases in life, if you are gluten-sensitive, it can literally mean the difference between life and death.  So remember, knowledge is power.  And one of the things that you want to know is whether or not a facility is certified 100% gluten-free or not.
Read our previous article here.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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