Friday, April 17, 2015

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts: Why Gluten-Sensitivity Awareness is Important

Gluten-free pizza crusts may help to stop a large number of health problems related to food sensitivity.
Gluten-Free Products | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Products | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Symptoms of Gluten-Sensitivity

Gluten-sensitivity can often manifest some symptoms that may surprise people.  For example, depression and fatigue.  Have you ever felt depressed without knowing why? Perhaps, in spite of a healthy diet, you seem to be burdened with fatigue? The reason may well be the gluten in your food.
Recent research has discovered that over 6% of the U.S. population suffers from gluten sensitivity or Celiac Disease. For people with gluten intolerance, having this in their daily meals can cause various digestive as well as neurological problems. Some forms of depression are not psychological, they are physiological. Obviously, self-diagnosis is dangerous, so see a doctor to have some tests run, particularly if there is a history of gluten-sensitivity in your family.  Another thing to be aware of is the other symptoms of gluten-sensitivity, ranging from abdominal cramping to breathing difficulties.

Without making a switch to a food such as gluten-free pizza crusts, your immune system will react to the gluten in your food, harming your gut lining. This is the reason for many of the evident digestive problems suffered by those with gluten sensitivity. In fact, it can make life very painful, since not only will it cause cramping, but problems like bloating, nausea, tiredness and even diarrhea have been recorded. Life becomes a constant agony for those in this unfortunate predicament. It is no wonder that there have been a number of depression cases reported. In fact, further research has even discovered that a continued intake may have links to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease - Yikes ! Facing such dire prospects, it seems better to just give up the gluten altogether, particularly with the help of the right gluten-free bakery. While this doesn't seem like the most enviable option, it becomes a necessity. After all, its best to just do yourself the favor and save yourself the pain.

How Hard is It to Go Gluten-Free?

However, quitting gluten doesn't have to be such a hard choice. You may be pleasantly surprised with what's waiting for you on the other side. If you are worried that going gluten-free may not be quite as delicious, rest assured, this is not true. Instead, switch out the gluten filled meals with the gluten-free ones that are equally mouth watering. The supermarkets are filled with tempting options and a wide range of foods for you to pick from. It may be frustrating having to check behind every box whether an item is gluten free or not, but knowing the consequences of not doing so - it is well worth it. In spite of these options, you may want to just eat pizza like any other person. Perhaps you want to indulge in those delightful wraps at that amazing restaurant or even just have some flatbread. Whenever this temptation strikes, we've got you covered. One solution is gluten-free pizza crusts.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357