Friday, January 29, 2016

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Gluten Awareness (Contd.)

Gluten-free foods can literally be a live saver for people who have any form of gluten-sensitivity.
Gluten-free foods may also help improve overall health | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-free foods may also help improve overall health | (310) 322–7357

The Reasons You Should Buy Gluten-Free Foods

There are several reasons that you should buy gluten-free foods.  One of the reasons is that there are potentially more serious consequences for gluten-sensitive people who ignore gluten-free foods.
It should be noted that one doesn’t have to suffer from  full-blown celiac disease to suffer from gluten sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity refers to some sort of adverse reaction that one encounters when they consume foods containing gluten. The results of switching to a gluten-free diet are nearly instantaneous for these people.  Improved health, no bloating, and no skin conditions, which is sometimes a side effect of gluten-sensitivity.
If an individual is suffering from gluten reactions when there's no celiac diagnosis, then it means they are suffering from non-celiac gluten sensitivity. With this condition, the immune system won’t attack the body’s own immune system, though other symptoms will remain the same. Symptoms may include bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and even pain in the joints. It has been reported that many patients who eventually switch to gluten-free foods see a significant improvement in their health.

Gluten Sensitivity and the Brain

Even though gluten is active in the gut, it can also affect the brain as well, and that’s the reason people who are suffering from brain disorders in addition to gluten-sensitivity are encouraged to buy foods which are free from this protein element.
Several brain disorders are also associated with gluten sensitivity.  If you think that doesn't make any sense, consider if you will.  All of your body's systems are connected.  Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle also leads to a sharp mind.  Something as simple as getting enough sleep can have a profound effect on a person's overall health, just as eating a healthy gluten-free diet can.  If you have a gluten allergy, or other form of sensitivity, there are even more positive results that you can expect from switching to gluten-free foods.
So remember, you want to make smart decisions about what you eat.  If you have a history of gluten-sensitivity in your family, or celiac disease, go see a doctor.  And if it is right for you, eliminate foods from your diet that have gluten in them, and instead switch to foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, January 22, 2016

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Gluten Awareness

Gluten-free pizza crusts and other foods that do not contain gluten are starting to become more popular.  Why?  
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

For one thing, awareness of the effects of foods with gluten on people who are gluten-sensitive has increased lately. But on the other hand, recent stories are cropping up on the internet; trying to downplay the fact that gluten-sensitivity even exists. However, it’s important to note that gluten-sensitivity is as real as it can get. People who are extremely sensitive to this substance will eventually encounter some kind of reaction which can significantly affect their quality of life if they continue consuming a food with gluten in it.  In some cases, the allergic response can even be fatal.  Hence the need for gluten-free foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.

Therefore, it stands to reason that purchasing and sticking to gluten-free foods is something that will be inevitable to some people, especially those who are sensitive to this substance. There are several reasons why gluten-sensitive people should buy gluten-free foods

Why Buy Gluten-Free Foods

The first reason is celiac disease and other extreme allergic reactions to gluten.  Gluten is a  protein which exists in grains like wheat, rye, spelt, and barley. This protein consists of two elements namely gliadin and glutenin. Surprisingly, of the two, gliadin is the offending protein element and it is the reason why gluten-sensitive people will suffer when they consume these grains.
When flour and water is mixed, the mixture forms a sticky network of protein with elastic properties. The word '’gluten’’ comes from the glue properties of this mixture. When it reaches the digestive tract, the cells of the immune system are convinced that this is an invader, thus it’s considered a bacteria.
As for people who are suffering from Celiac disease, the immune system will begin attacking the gluten protein. In addition to this, the immune system attacks cells in the digestive tract.
Therefore, if an individual loves pizza and are sensitive to gluten, they should opt for gluten-free pizza crusts which are still delicious and full of nutrients like the original pizza. This is the only way to prevent the immune system from attacking the food substance and the cell lining in the digesting tract.
While the causes of Celiac disease are still unknown, there does seem to be a genetic component.  Since we don't know what causes it, we can't cure it, we can only treat it.  One of the best ways to do so?  Find a source of gluten-free foods.  
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Great Reasons to Visit a Gluten-Free Bakery (Conclusion)

Finding a good source for gluten-free foods is a very good idea, particularly if you are gluten-sensitive.  
Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357

Where to Buy Gluten-Free Foods

It is important to know where to buy gluten-free foods.  A shopper will frequently find that such bakeries are inspired and run by bakers who themselves have a food sensitivity, or who have family members who need revised recipes that exclude gluten. As more people discover they have this sensitivity, or that they feel better when limiting the amount of gluten they eat, this specialty is becoming more popular and easier to find.
One thing that you must make sure of, however, is that the facility you're looking at is 100% certified gluten-free.  What a lot of people don't realize is that there is a real risk of cross-contamination with some so-called gluten-free bakeries.  What is cross contamination?  Well, unless prep surfaces and ovens are kept separate from regular baked goods, there can be trace amounts of gluten present.  
Breads have long assumed a quiet, but steadfast position as the cornerstone of the diet. It's not possible to make a sandwich without a slice of bread, or to enjoy a salad without croutons. While it's tempting to head straight for the sweets and pastries, it's a good plan to check out the breads. A gluten free bakery that offers more than one type of bread or similar items is one a shopper will want to visit often. Occasionally, those with gluten sensitivity will also be sensitive to other food additives. Call ahead to a specialty gluten-free bakery to see if they also offer foods that don't include the unwanted ingredients.
Make a List
Because visiting a new shop is at times overwhelming at first, it's a good idea to make a list beforehand. Start with necessary foods first, such as sandwich bread, and then expand the exploration to the fun foods. This is a chance for the gluten sensitive to have a piece of cake, enjoy a brownie, or dive into a rich eclair without the worry of discomfort later. Since it's easy to lose track, keeping with the list will keep expenses down. Doing a little shopping around, and browsing provides the chance to get some ideas about the choices of gluten-free foods for the next visit. Eye popping goodies shouldn't lure the shopper away from seeking variety. Remember to save room for flat breads, crackers, or pretzels which are also offered in many gluten-free bakeries.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Our Story

Friday, January 8, 2016

Great Reasons to Visit a Gluten-Free Bakery (Contd.)

Gluten-free foods can do more than keep you healthy.  They can help you have a diet with  more than a little variety.
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts are a Safe Alternative | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts are a Safe Alternative | (310) 322–7357

The Importance of Gluten-Free Foods in Your Diet

As we covered previously, gluten sensitivity typically causes digestive discomfort in several forms, not unlike the reactions experienced with wheat allergies.Temptation to sneak in "just one" snack that contains gluten will lurk in the back of the mind of those who aren't getting enough taste and variety over a period of time. This is the reason that counting exclusively on what's found on grocery shelves might not work. Often great tasting or creative choices are lacking.

When keeping to a diet of gluten-free foods, it's normal to crave breads, cupcakes, crackers, and other items despite knowing the physical consequences of eating them. Here, a gluten-free bakery is the ideal option, as a shopper can find the breads for the dinner table, and also sweet or salty snacks to enjoy throughout the day.
The Difficulty of Making Foods Gluten Free
When trying to cook gluten free at home the challenge is realized immediately. Gluten is used in foods to provide stability and structure. Removing the very item that enables breads, cakes, cookies, and similar baked goods to hold together presents several difficulties for a baker. Along with the appearance, taste is also affected by using gluten free products. It's possible to find recipes for the gluten sensitive, but having the time to bake throughout the week is also challenging. A crumbling cake, or tasteless bread is enough to test the will of even an experienced baker. Looking at the time and expense of baking at home, visiting a specialty shop is often the sensible choice.
The Rise of Gluten Free Bakery
Even for someone who's only been on a gluten-free diet for a short time, it's normal to be a bit excited when entering a specialty bakery that caters to those with this sensitivity. It's natural to want to wander around, and see what goodies can be enjoyed once again. Usually this isn't a bad spot to visit when hungry, since often it's possible to find a few free samples. Quite a few gluten-free bakeries have sprung up in cities around the country. Many bakers offer unique foods along with traditional favorites.
So as you see, gluten-free foods don't have to mean taste-free
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, January 1, 2016

Great Reasons to Visit a Gluten-Free Bakery

Many people in the U.S have discovered the health benefits of gluten-free foods. For those with gluten sensitivity finding tasty alternatives to processed foods containing gluten is at times difficult.
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357

Where Can I Buy Gluten-Free Foods?

Where can you buy gluten-free foods?  This is a challenge at times.  While many grocery stores, and even many grocery chains now offer gluten alternatives, it's typically hit or miss in finding suitable, appetizing selections.  Some will stock only a few such specialty items, so at times a shopping trip can end in disappointment.In addition, there is only limited food safety regulations
gluten-free bakery featuring these specialty items will offer the staples necessary for a varied diet, along with treats everyone will enjoy even if they have no sensitivity to gluten.

Understanding the Needs of the Gluten Sensitive

A few decades ago the idea of gluten sensitivity was mostly unknown except to a very few highly sensitive individuals, and there was no market for gluten-free foods. Doctors often didn't diagnose this problem, and it wasn't uncommon for symptoms to be misdiagnosed as other digestive disorders. Even now this can pose a problem as the symptoms associated with this sensitivity can look much like Celiac disease. Gluten sensitivity typically causes digestive discomfort in several forms, not unlike the reactions experienced with wheat allergies. Having bowel problems is common, as is fatigue. Feeling tired and having to run to a bathroom constantly isn't healthy, but those who have a true allergy to wheat products know it can get worse. Allergic reactions can prove dangerous with hives, breathing difficulty, and an itching sensation in the throat. Those who have a wheat allergy are also encouraged to eat gluten-free foods.
Trouble with Avoiding Gluten?
Whether someone has a sensitivity or an allergy clearly avoiding gluten is the answer. That sounds easy, but as anyone who has faced a dietary restriction can attest, it's not so simple. Living in a country where the average person is presented with food choices almost around every corner, it's hard to avoid those beloved favorites. Most Americans are accustomed to a varied diet, and in reality this is healthy. A diet with plenty of different foods offers more opportunity for the intake of vitamins and minerals. Eating the same foods every day will not only result in boredom, it can limit the amount of nutrients an individual consumes throughout the day.
So do a bit of research, and find a good source for gluten-free foods.  
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us