Friday, January 22, 2016

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Gluten Awareness

Gluten-free pizza crusts and other foods that do not contain gluten are starting to become more popular.  Why?  
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

For one thing, awareness of the effects of foods with gluten on people who are gluten-sensitive has increased lately. But on the other hand, recent stories are cropping up on the internet; trying to downplay the fact that gluten-sensitivity even exists. However, it’s important to note that gluten-sensitivity is as real as it can get. People who are extremely sensitive to this substance will eventually encounter some kind of reaction which can significantly affect their quality of life if they continue consuming a food with gluten in it.  In some cases, the allergic response can even be fatal.  Hence the need for gluten-free foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.

Therefore, it stands to reason that purchasing and sticking to gluten-free foods is something that will be inevitable to some people, especially those who are sensitive to this substance. There are several reasons why gluten-sensitive people should buy gluten-free foods

Why Buy Gluten-Free Foods

The first reason is celiac disease and other extreme allergic reactions to gluten.  Gluten is a  protein which exists in grains like wheat, rye, spelt, and barley. This protein consists of two elements namely gliadin and glutenin. Surprisingly, of the two, gliadin is the offending protein element and it is the reason why gluten-sensitive people will suffer when they consume these grains.
When flour and water is mixed, the mixture forms a sticky network of protein with elastic properties. The word '’gluten’’ comes from the glue properties of this mixture. When it reaches the digestive tract, the cells of the immune system are convinced that this is an invader, thus it’s considered a bacteria.
As for people who are suffering from Celiac disease, the immune system will begin attacking the gluten protein. In addition to this, the immune system attacks cells in the digestive tract.
Therefore, if an individual loves pizza and are sensitive to gluten, they should opt for gluten-free pizza crusts which are still delicious and full of nutrients like the original pizza. This is the only way to prevent the immune system from attacking the food substance and the cell lining in the digesting tract.
While the causes of Celiac disease are still unknown, there does seem to be a genetic component.  Since we don't know what causes it, we can't cure it, we can only treat it.  One of the best ways to do so?  Find a source of gluten-free foods.  
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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