Friday, November 28, 2014

Gluten-Free Wraps and Healthy Cuisine (Contd.)

Gluten free flatbreads can play the role of a crispy snacks chip or soft sandwich ends, it can be crunchy or chewy. In fact, a flatbread is a very versatile food.

Gluten-Free Flatbreads: A Taste of History

Gluten Free Flatbreads| (310) 322–7357
Gluten Free Flatbreads| (310) 322–7357
Our gluten-free flatbreads have a long history behind them.  Flatbread is a unleavened and simple bread. This type of bread was one of the earlier ever made. Archeologists have found that flatbreads were prepared as early ad 2500 B.C. in Egypt. The skill of making flatbreads was passed from Egyptians to the Romans and Greeks.
One of the greatest assets of flatbreads is versatility. They can be designed to serve as eating utensils or to hold other foods. You can wrap, roll, fold, toast, scoop, sauce, or dip them. You will find lavash, naan, tortillas and many other gluten free flatbreads in a gluten-free bakery or a grocery store.

Gluten-Free Wraps

You can order gluten-free flatbreads and gluten-free bread crusts from a specialized Gluten-Free Bakery. You may also order gluten-free floor and prepare your own stovetop gluten-free flatbreads. You can also prepare your own homemade deep-dish gluten free pizza on the grill.
These flavorful flatbreads can be made quickly in a hot skillet, and they are a fast and easy way to enjoy bread without to have to wait for it to rise. They resemble "wraps".
Because the dough is gluten free it will be a little delicate to work with. You need to flour generously your countertop in order to prevent it from sticking. Do not press down on the dough too hard with the rolling pin.
You can use for this skillet flatbread recipe any gluten-free whole grain flour. Millet, teff, sorghum flour or quinoa, all will work well. Each of them would bring different flavors to the flatbread so you may experiment and find which one you enjoy most.
The total time of preparing a gluten-free skillet flatbread is around 30 minutes. You will need a 10 inch cast iron skillet in order to prepare the skillet flatbread.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Gluten-Free Wraps and Healthy Cuisine

Gluten-free wraps are one example of a food that can be useful to multiple people.  Recently gluten-free diets have become a very popular trend not only among people suffering from gluten allergies but for all those interested in a healthy diet. Gluten free products are now widely available at grocery stores and gluten free bakeries.
Gluten-Free Flatbreads are a Safe Alternative | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Flatbreads are a Safe Alternative | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Wraps and Food Sensitivity

Gluten-free wraps are a good choice for people who have celiac disease or other form of sensitivity to gluten.  But what exactly is gluten?  Gluten is a type of protein found in foods such as certain grains, cereals, and wheat. The main purpose of gluten in the food industry is to preserve the food elasticity during the fermentation phase. Gluten prevents foods from having a doughy sticky texture and makes bread “chewy”.
With recent increases in people suffering of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, gluten-free diet has been recently recommended by dietitians, bariatric physicians, and weight loss specialists. A gluten-free diet has many health benefits.

Gluten-Free Foods and Digestive Health

What benefits does a gluten-free diet have?  Well for example, a gluten-free diet  can be instrumental in promoting digestive health, improving cholesterol levels, and increasing energy levels for those who have gluten intolerance. A gluten free diet not only eliminates gluten but also removes many unhealthy foods from your diet, including fried foods and deserts high in fat and sugars. Processed foods that contain unhealthy gluten also contain other unhealthy chemicals, such as artificial flavors. By eating gluten free foods you also eliminate unhealthy carbohydrates and oils found in pastries and doughnuts.
With an improved diet including something like gluten-free wraps, there is also the benefit of weight loss, improved energy, and overall better cardiovascular health.  Eliminating gluten from your diet help reduce your risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and diabetes. As we covered above, a gluten-free diet will promote healthy weight loss and enhance your immune system because many of the foods you eat will be rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.  It isn't enough to lose weight.  You want to do it in a healthy way, or you run the risk of additional health problems.  However, what about if you have gluten-sensitivity?  
Gluten sensitivity means you have even more reason to get foods that have no gluten in them.  It can literally save your life.  So remember, consult your dietitian and or your doctor.  Then make sure you stock your food pantry and refrigerator with foods that are healthy, like gluten-free wraps for example.   
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Our Standards

Friday, November 14, 2014

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts for Health (Contd.)

Gluten-free pizza crusts are an important food if you have any form of gluten sensitivity.  But why these?  Aren't there a lot of gluten-free foods out there.
Gluten-Free Products | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Products | (310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts in a Big Market

Let's face it.  Gluten-free pizza crusts are only one of a plethora of foods out there Will you like every one of these products? Probably not. However by experimenting and trying different options you are sure to find quite a few that you like. Going gluten-free isn't always easy. It takes a lot more work to be on a gluten-free diet than it takes to eat whatever you want. However, for people with Celiac disease there isn't any other option.
Eating foods that contain wheat when you have Celiac disease will make you sick, and can threaten your long term health. By finding products that you like, such as gluten-free pizza crusts, and eating naturally occurring gluten-free foods, you can eat a healthy and fulfilling diet. Remember that just because you have Celiac disease this doesn't mean that you have to eat a diet of foods that you don't enjoy. You can go gluten-free and still enjoy your meals.  But are pizza crusts the healthiest for you?  After all, pizza isn't the healthiest food, right?

Healthy Gluten-Free Eating

Wrong! If you get a base such as a gluten-free pizza crust, it is just that: a base.  How you prepare it will determine how healthy it is for you or not.  There is a big difference between a pizza crust prepared with high fat foods such as a lot of cheeses and butter and a vegan pizza lightly brushed with olive oil and baked to perfection.  Another trick?  Put some fresh made apple preserves for your own apple pie pizza.  You can also use the crusts as crispy chips if you bake them long enough.
So as you see, a little imagination and the right ingredients is all that it takes to have some healthy eating.  Consult a dietitian, a nutrition expert, and your physician for what sort of foods you should be eating for optimal health.  Make sure all of your ingredients are fresh, and avoid a lot of processed foods.  If you have any sort of gluten-sensitivity, go one more step above this.  Make sure that all of your ingredients aren't just labeled as gluten-free, they are certified as being gluten-free.  Like our gluten-free pizza crusts for example.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, November 7, 2014

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts for Health

Gluten-free pizza crusts are one example of foods that are continuing to grow in popularity due to more and more people choosing to go on a gluten-free diet. For some people the choice to go gluten-free is a result of their personal decision to try a way of eating that is healthier. For others, those with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance, the need to go gluten-free is more urgent...
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts | (310) 322–7357

Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free Foods

People who suffer from Celiac disease or gluten intolerance cannot eat anything that contains wheat. Doing so triggers a wide range of symptoms that can make life difficult, and also cause potentially serious long term complications. Unfortunately there is no cure for Celiac disease. However, it can be completely controlled by avoiding the protein in wheat that triggers it's symptoms. Because of an absolute need to avoid wheat, it's important that anyone with Celiac disease goes on, and stays on, a gluten-free diet.
So what exactly does it mean when a food is gluten-free? It means that the food contains no wheat, and was not processed in a facility where it could have been accidentally exposed to wheat. It's very important when you are trying to avoid wheat that you take the time to read labels. Don't ever assume that because a food shouldn't contain wheat that it's safe to eat. There are only two times you can be one hundred percent sure that a food is safe.

100% Gluten-Free: More than a Label, It's a Commitment

Labels can be misleading.  If a food's label indicates that it is gluten-free, without certification that the facility is free of cross-contamination, there is a potential danger from regular baked goods that may have been prepared there.  . The second is if you are eating an unprocessed food that does not contain wheat, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, or meat.
The goods news for people with Celiac disease is that the number of gluten-free products on the market continues to increase each year. One of the hardest things for people with Celiac disease to accept was the fact that they would have to avoid a lot of the foods that they love because of their disease. Fortunately the new products that have come to market in recent years offer safe alternatives for people with Celiac disease. There are now a wide range of pastas, breads, gluten-free pizza crusts, cookies, cakes, and many other products available that are gluten-free.
Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357