Friday, December 29, 2017

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: More Than Just a Fad

You might wish to buy gluten-free pizza crusts online.

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust May Have
Positive Health Benefits |
Is Going Gluten-Free a Fad?

Is going gluten free a fad? More accurately, it is a trend.

 The growing demand for a gluten-free diet in recent years is encouraging the food industries to come up with more gluten-free products in the market, such as gluten-free pizza crust. The main reason behind the popularity of gluten-free foods is the health benefits that are associated with them.

So What Is Gluten?
Gluten is defined as a type of protein that is found naturally in grains such as wheat. It has used in many foods especially bread to give its structure and chewiness. Gluten is also a binder that keeps the ingredients together. It is no coincidence that when you take the T and N out of gluten, you are left with glue! Besides bread, gluten can be found in a vast range of foods that include pasta, pizza crust, cookies, cakes, and even beer.

What are the benefits of gluten-free foods such as gluten-free pizza crust?

There are many benefits of choosing a gluten-free diet. Gluten-free diets may help you gain more energy through reducing your cholesterol, therefore, improving your digestion making your body a lot healthier. Gluten is known to cause weight gain and bloating, therefore going gluten-free may help in losing weight and preventing bloating. Insulin spiking tendencies: drastically rising and falling of insulin levels are mostly caused by consumption of gluten. Turning gluten-free might help in leveling these insulin tendencies.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust May Help You Avoid Autoimmune Diseases

Most autoimmune diseases are dependent upon other factors such as diet. Reducing or completely going gluten-free may help in lowering the risk of getting one of these diseases.  Autoimmune diseases include skin conditions such as psoriasis, autoimmune oophoritis, and others.  Removing gluten from your diet might help reduce the risk of getting these diseases and reduce  your risk of heart disease.

Gluten-free foods have antioxidants and minerals that may help reduce the risk of getting cancers and illnesses related to foods that are consumed as well as germs and viruses. When eating gluten-free foods, you will get more nourishment compared to when eating traditional food rich in gluten.Now that you know the benefits of gluten-free pizza crusts, let’s now take a closer look at the reasons why you should buy gluten-free crust online:You get fresh gluten-free crust.

So, remember, you have a choice of where to buy gluten-free pizza crust.

With that in mind, you might want to buy gluten-free pizza crust online.

Keep Reading...

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
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Friday, December 22, 2017

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Home and Business Delivery for the 21st Century (Conclusion

There are several compelling reasons to buy gluten-free pizza crusts online.

As we covered previously, When you buy gluten-free pizza crust online it gives you the best prices compared to going to a store. This is because the crusts come directly from the manufacturer without the interference of middlemen. Many
Enjoy Pizza Safely |
Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online |
online stores also offer coupons and discounted prices to their customers. Mostly, online stores give better prices because they are only required to pay taxes if they have a physical address in a certain state, therefore, they do not pay sales tax making it cheaper for you.

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online Helps You Avoid Impulse Buys

When shopping, you may spend more time and money on things and places you had not planned. Such as trying out the new eatery at the mall, or buying that new product the shop attendant has compelled you to buy. At times you tend to compromise on what you had initially planned on buying in order to accommodate these new spending. However, when you order gluten-free pizza crust online, you won’t experience any problems related to impulse buying.

Discreet purchases without crowds. If you hate brushing shoulders with people when shopping or the noise at the store especially during festivals and events, parking spaces are filled and you do not want to deal with grumpy, smelly and annoying people, online shopping is the way to go.

Why Go Without Pizza?  Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Instead

Pizza is one of the most popular meals all over the world. Giving it up because of a simple reason like gluten is very disheartening for many. Thanks to the introduction of gluten-free pizza crusts, everyone can now enjoy pizza in the comfort of their sofa, without any health risks while still maintaining the great taste. Going forward, there is another way.

Gluten-free pizza crusts will continue to be popular with consumers and innovations in the industry are expected to fuel the growth as more and more people are interested in going the healthier way. The growth of this new sector has also been fueled by the introduction of online purchasing and home delivery. Most people today prefer ordering at the comfort of their sofa instead of dealing with noisy customers, traffic and waiting in line which can be very inconvenient and frustrating. It also saves one the time and energy one would use to go out to a restaurant.

So be a smart shopper.  Buy gluten free pizza crust online.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, December 15, 2017

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Home and Business Delivery for the 21st Century (Contd.)

There's never been a better time to order gluten-free pizza crust online.

Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Today

Do you really need to be on a gluten-free diet? As we covered previously, gluten-free diets have become more of a marketing angle over the past years. In today's world, most people have taken an initiative to try and understand what gluten-free diets really mean and this has led to the increased gluten awareness leading more people to turn to this new healthier option in their diets. More and more gluten-free products, such as gluten-free pizza crusts are hitting the supermarkets, restaurants and even grocery stores. The best part about ordering online is that you just sit in your living room and effortlessly use your computer or smartphone to get the gluten-free pizza crusts from any online stores

Better prices.  When you buy gluten-free pizza crust online it gives you the best prices compared to going to a store. This is because the crusts come directly from the manufacturer without the interference of middlemen. Many online stores also offer coupons and discounted prices to their customers. Mostly, online stores give better prices because they are only required to pay taxes if they have a physical address in a certain state, therefore, they do not pay sales tax making it cheaper for you.

More Variety From Your Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Supplier

Shopping for gluten-free pizza crusts online gives you an opportunity to sample many varieties from different sellers and find out which stores are the best for you to shop. There are no geographic limitations, giving you the freedom to shop from retailers and manufacturers from anywhere in the country without wasting money on fare and gas. You get a chance to find out whether your favorite gluten-free pizza crusts are available and in which stores they are available. At times if the crusts have run out, you can be given an option of placing an order and the pizza crusts will be shipped to your home address once available. When you order gluten-free pizza crusts online, it gives the website your contact information, therefore, giving you a chance to always be updated on new products and discounts as they occur.

When shopping for your gluten-free pizza crust online, you have the option of sampling and comparing different prices from different online stores. This gives you a better chance of shopping where your budget lies. It also saves you the embarrassment of walking into a store to shop only to find out that their prices are way past your budget. There are also customer reviews of the quality of service and rate their experiences with that particular store. This gives you, as a new customer the insight into the company's service and delivery process. Saving you the hustle of dealing with an incompetent company which has bad customer service.

So there is a lot to be said for buying gluten-free pizza crust online.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, December 8, 2017

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Home and Business Delivery for the 21st Century

Is it time to buy gluten-free pizza crust online?  Online shopping is easy, and eating gluten-free makes sense for people with a health condition such as Celiac disease.
Ordering gluten-free pizza crust has never been

Healthy Choices: Get Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online

Gluten-free diets have become more of a marketing angle over the past years. In today's world, most people have taken an initiative to try and understand what gluten-free diets really mean and this has led to the increased gluten awareness leading more people to turn to this new healthier option in their diets. More and more gluten-free products, such as gluten-free pizza crusts are hitting the supermarkets, restaurants and even grocery stores.

 Pizzas are also part of these gluten-free foods on the menu of most restaurants today. Restaurants have found a way to sell healthier pizza which is gluten-free but still maintain the great taste as traditional pizzas. Gluten-free pizza crusts are an alternative healthier way to traditional pizzas. More people have realized that there are several health problems that are associated with over consumption of gluten in processed foods. Food production workers have realized that there is a lot of demand for healthier foods and of late it is gluten-free diets, this is because individuals have realized that they can consume pizza without the risk associated with gluten-rich traditional pizzas.

Why Order Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online?

Online food shopping has become very pronounced and revolutionized with each passing year This is because online shopping has very many benefits compared to traditionally walking into a store to shop. There are very many advantages of shopping online for gluten-free pizza crusts. Ordering pizza crust online through any restaurant's website is the fastest and easiest way to shop it saves both the consumers time and money.

You only need a smartphone or a laptop to register the phone number, email address and physical address then wait for the delivery. The following is a list of the many advantages of shopping online for that delicious gluten-free pizza crust:

It is very convenient to shop for gluten-free pizza crusts online. There are no lines, and no store employees to wait on to assist with your purchases. It saves you the hassle of dealing with rude people too. Most online stores are also open at all times, therefore, giving you a chance to shop at any given time even at midnight in your pajamas. So it's convenient, easy and cutting edge.  Buy gluten-free pizza crust online today.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, December 1, 2017

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Managing Gluten-Sensitivity

Why should you buy gluten-free pizza crust? Well, you could avoid a serious health risk

Ordering gluten-free pizza crust online allows you
to enjoy pizza safely | (310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts May Help You Avoid an Allergic Response

Using gluten-free pizza crust may help you avoid a serious health risk: anaphylactic shock.
According to the Celiac disease foundation: "When people with celiac disease eat gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye and barley), their body mounts an immune response that attacks the small intestine. These attacks lead to damage on the villi, small fingerlike projections that line the small intestine, that promote nutrient absorption. When the villi get damaged, nutrients cannot be absorbed properly into the body. Celiac disease is hereditary, meaning that it runs in families. People with a first-degree relative with celiac disease (parent, child, sibling) have a 1 in 10 risk of developing celiac disease. Long Term Health Effects Celiac disease can develop at any age after people start eating foods or medicines that contain gluten. Left untreated, celiac disease can lead to additional serious health problems. These include the development of other autoimmune disorders like Type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis (MS), dermatitis herpetiformis (an itchy skin rash), anemia, osteoporosis, infertility and miscarriage, neurological conditions like epilepsy and migraines, short stature, and intestinal cancers. Treatment Currently, the only treatment for celiac disease is lifelong adherence to a strict gluten-free diet. People living gluten-free must avoid foods with wheat, rye and barley, such as bread and beer. Ingesting small amounts of gluten, like crumbs from a cutting board or toaster, can trigger small intestine damage. Celiac disease is also known as coeliac disease, celiac sprue, non-tropical sprue, and gluten sensitive enteropathy. Undiagnosed or untreated celiac disease can lead to: Iron deficiency anemia Early onset osteoporosis or osteopenia Infertility and miscarriage Lactose intolerance Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Central and peripheral nervous system disorders Pancreatic insufficiency Intestinal lymphomas and other GI cancers (malignancies) Gall bladder malfunction Neurological manifestations, including ataxia, epileptic seizures, dementia, migraine, neuropathy, myopathy and multifocal leucoencephalopathy Other Autoimmune Disorders In a 1999 study, Ventura, et al. found that for people with celiac disease, the later the age of diagnosis, the greater the chance of developing another autoimmune disorder."   Read more here.

Order Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online and Take the Guesswork Out

If you order gluten-free pizza crust online, it can help you to take the guesswork out. How so? Well for one, reviews of the products are more easily found. You can determine with a few glances if the product is truly gluten free, or if it is just labeled as gluten-free.

 Ordering gluten-free pizza crusts online is also fairly convenient. No dealing with crowds, you can order ahead, and simply wait for it to be delivered. It's an ideal way of doing business in the 21st Century. So remember, you have choices in not just what you buy, but how you buy as well. So order gluten-free pizza crust online today.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, November 24, 2017

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online: An Industry Insider's Guide

Why should you buy gluten-free pizza crust online? Well, there are a lot of really good reasons.
Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online is Both Safe
and Can Save You Money

Should You Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online?

Should you buy gluten-free pizza crust online? Why can't you just buy it in a store? Well, you could, however, there are a lot of things to be aware of first. One thing is whether or not the gluten-free pizza crust you're buying from is a 100% certified gluten-free facility. Why does that matter? Well for one thing, there is the very real danger of cross-contamination.

Cross contamination occurs when a preparation surface is shared with gluten-free products. Even if a company wipes down surfaces, trace amounts of gluten can still be present on the preparation surface. As a result of this, a supposedly gluten-free product can have gluten in it. To someone who is just cutting gluten out of their diet this isn't a problem, but what about people who suffer from Celiac disease or other form of acute gluten-sensitivity? The results can vary from a mild case of indigestion to anaphylactic shock. That's why if you're buying gluten-free pizza crust, you want to make sure it is from a bakery that is a 100% gluten-free bakery.

Why Does Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online Make Such a Difference?

A gluten-free bakery has to go through a lot more than a regular one to achieve certification. And with an online presence, if they are not gluten-free, the power of online reviews will soon shutter the business, so they have every incentive to be a trusted source of gluten-free pizza crusts. Buying online is also useful as you can often get bulk discounts, which if you cook a lot is a definite plus. In addition to food safety and discounts, another very good reason to buy gluten-free pizza crust online is food quality.

As we covered above, food quality is tied to reviews. If the food quality drops, so does the business' rating. A few negative reviews are incredibly powerful, even with a gluten-free bakery. They can make the website lose its search engine ranking, which in the business world is a near death sentence, particularly if they are predominantly an online business.

 If you have celiac disease or other form of gluten-sensitivity, you don't have a choice of what to eat. You have to eat foods that are gluten free. What you do have a choice with is to where to buy gluten-free pizza crust.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, November 17, 2017

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online: Convenience and Safety in One

Buying gluten-free pizza crust online is one of the best ways to acquire this remarkable food. Why is buying online so much better than just going to a store to get it?

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online Means You Can Trust the Source

When you buy gluten-free pizza crust online, you have to be able to trust the source that you're buying from. Unlike other foods that play fast and loose with food labeling, gluten-free foods are one of those foods that there has to be a bit more safety involved. For someone who has Celiac disease or some other severe form of gluten-sensitivity, a trace amount of gluten can trigger an allergic/immune response. And there is a real danger of this due to cross contamination.

Cross Contamination: Only Buy 100% Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

How does cross-contamination happen? It happens when a surface is used to prepare food with gluten in it, and then a food that is supposed to be gluten-free is prepared on the same surface. How serious is this? It can be very serious. Cross contamination can affect someone who is gluten-sensitive. The sad irony of such an event is that person thinking they'll be safe from contamination from gluten. A simple food mistake can send them into the emergency room with a potentially life-threatening food allergy. That's where the right place to buy gluten-free pizza crust online comes in. An ethical gluten-free bakery will avoid cross contamination, and have some sort of certification available that shows that they are 100% certified gluten-free. Like this bakery in California:
" Through a partnership with the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness’ GREAT Kitchens Program (Gluten-Free Resource Education and Awareness Training), we help our customers develop safe practices when serving gluten-free foods. We work closely with you to help you avoid cross-contamination and ensure that your products are safe for those with special dietary needs. We can even help you develop menu ideas to expand your gluten-free offering beyond pizza to include Panini sandwiches, pastas, cookies, calzones and more."

Ultimately, you want to be safe. And one way is to only buy gluten-free pizza crusts from an online bakery that has certification to back up their claims. So buy smart. Do your research, and look for online reviews. That way you'll know that not only have you found a good gluten-free bakery, you've found the best online gluten-free bakery.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, November 10, 2017

Gluten Free Pizza Crust: Why Buying Online is a Great Idea (Conclusion)

Buying gluten-free pizza crust online not only helps to keep you safe, but helps you to prepare a popular and fun meal.

As we covered previously, in recent years gluten-free food options have grown tremendously and it's now possible to get
many of your favorite foods made with gluten free flour.

Why Should You Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust?

Why should you buy gluten-free pizza crust? Well, for one thing, you may not have given much thought to when you decide to make gluten-free pizza at home is just how much fun it can be. Making pizza is fun, and it can turn into an activity that the entire family works on together. So don't think of gluten-free pizza crust as something you have to buy, think of it as something that you have the pleasure of buying.

When you make your own pizza at home you can control every part of the process. Want a lot or a little sauce? No problem. Like extra cheese on your pizza? Add as much as you like. The point here is that you can put just about anything you want on your home made pizza, providing that it is based on a gluten-free pizza crust of course.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Means That Pizza Can Still Be On Your Menu

The majority of people that adopt a gluten-free diet do so because of a medical condition such as Celiac disease. For people that fall into this category life can be pretty depressing at first when you start to think about all of the foods you can no longer eat. Instead of dwelling on the negative you should instead focus on the positive. For one thing, all of life is about adapting to circumstance. Some people just have to adapt with their health in mind, the same with some restaurants. Does that mean that you have to give up pizza?

Not at all. You just have to be healthy where it's concerned. One way is to substitute something like gluten-free pizza crusts in lieu of regular pizza crust. Not only will your health great improve once you no longer consume gluten, there are still a lot of foods out there that a tasty and safe to eat. On top of those natural foods that contain no gluten, there is also an expanding number of specialty gluten free foods you can buy. If you are ready to put pizza back on your menu then you should go online and order gluten-free pizza crust today.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, November 3, 2017

Gluten Free Pizza Crust: Why Buying Online is a Great Idea (Contd.)

If you want to buy gluten-free pizza crust, one good source to get it is through an online source.
Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online Today |

Why Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online Makes a Lot of Sense

As we covered previously, if you really want to embrace the gluten free lifestyle you are going to have to learn what it takes to actually avoid anything that has even a trace of gluten in it. For people with Celiac Disease, or gluten intolerance, even a tiny amount of gluten can cause them serious health issues. A gluten-free bakery can even have recipes to help.

Fortunately in recent years gluten-free food options have grown tremendously and it's now possible to get many of your favorite foods made with gluten free flour. One thing you must be cautious of is eating these types of foods that are not certified gluten-free. For example if you buy a loaf of bread made using rice flour you may assume that it does not contain gluten. While rice flour is gluten-free, unless it explicitly states on the packaging that it is gluten-free there is a chance it may contain trace amounts of gluten in it. The last thing you want is to buy and eat a product thinking it is safe, only to find out later that you were wrong and are now very ill because of it.

Buying 100% Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online

If you have made the decision to go gluten-free, and you love pizza, there are alternatives you can now turn to to satisfy your cravings for this popular meal. Many pizza restaurants now offer gluten-free pizza, but you have to be careful when you choose this option. What you have to remember is that pizza restaurants predominantly prepare regular pizza made with wheat flour. So there is definitely gluten near where your pizza is being made. Will it contaminate your pizza? Not necessarily, but given the dangers of accidentally ingesting even a small amount of gluten you really shouldn't take that chance. Anyone with

Celiac disease or gluten intolerance will tell you that every time they accidentally consume and their symptoms flare up, they are miserable. So don't chance it, make sure that you don't end up accidentally eating gluten which can make for a very long couple of days. Instead of trusting a restaurant to prepare your gluten-free pizza a better option is to order gluten-free pizza crust online and make your own pizza. When you choose to make your own pizza you are taking all of the risk out of the equation. Always make sure that the gluten-free pizza crust you choose is made in a gluten-free bakery so you don't have to worry about even trace amounts of gluten accidentally making it into your food. You can also ensure the safety of your pizza by choosing your own ingredients and ensuring that everything going into your pie is certified to be gluten-free.  Start from the bottom.  Buy gluten-free pizza crust.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, October 27, 2017

Gluten Free Pizza Crust: Why Buying Online is a Great Idea

If you suffer from gluten-sensitivity, you might want to buy gluten-free pizza crust online.

Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online 
Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online

Gluten-free pizza crust is a product that people with Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or just an aversion to wanting to consume gluten, can enjoy one of their favorite foods. Just about everyone loves pizza, but if your body doesn't like gluten then most types of pizza aren't going to agree with you. This shouldn't be surprising since pizza crust is typically made using wheat based flour, which means that people who can't have, or don't want to eat gluten, will usually have to avoid this super popular food.

The good news here though is the fact that there are now 100% gluten-free pizza crust options available to anyone that cannot consume or chooses not to consume gluten. One of the hardest parts of being on a gluten-free diet is that you cannot eat a lot of your favorite foods. This can be a major challenge since you have probably eaten these foods most of your life, and now all of a sudden you can't. The great news is that there are an expanding number of gluten-free products now available, and gluten-free pizza crust is one of the most popular of them.

Why You Should Only Buy Gluten-Free Products From A Gluten-Free Bakery

If you really want to embrace the gluten free lifestyle you are going to have to learn what it takes to actually avoid anything that has even a trace of gluten in it. For people with Celiac Disease, or gluten intolerance, even a tiny amount of gluten can cause them serious health issues. A gluten-free bakery can even have recipes to help.

There are many natural foods that you can eat that are gluten free including meats and fresh fruits and vegetables. You do need to be careful though when dining out since there may be additives that restaurants use in your meals that contain gluten, and your meals may be prepared where there is gluten present contaminating it. Going gluten-free once meant avoiding a lot of the foods that most people take for granted. Avoiding gluten meant no more bread, or pastries, or pasta, or pizza crust. Obviously this is far from ideal, and a lot of people struggled with it. Fortunately, with changes in food science, it is possible to enjoy pizza again with gluten-free pizza crusts.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, October 20, 2017

Why Is It Hard to Find Good Gluten-Free Pizza Crust? (Conclusion)

Even Pizza Crust Can Be Gluten-Free |
How do you bake gluten-free pizza crust? Well, that's easy. The same way you bake regular crust.

As we covered previously, there are several benefits to buying gluten-free pizza crust. You get more energy. You can lose weight and feel less bloated. It helps in reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases. Gluten increases insulin levels, so a gluten free diet can help you manage insulin levels better.

Ready to Bake Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

The gluten-free pizza crusts also have a good shelf life of a few days in room temperature and up to two months if you keep it in the freezer. The crust is made using the best healthy alternatives to the traditional pizza crust. Bakeries also ensure airtight packaging, so that the crusts remain fresh till you are ready to bake it. They are prepared in hygienic bakeries and are clean and fresh. You can just put your favorite toppings on them and bake at home. They also look similar to the traditional pizza crust, though they could be slightly darker in color. The texture is gritty and chewy as well, but it is kind of elastic chewy and not tough. All you need to do is to preheat your oven. Take the gluten-free pizza crust and garnish it with preferred toppings. Place it in the center rack of your oven for about ten minutes or till the crust turns golden.

Guilt Free Eating With Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts

When on a gluten free diet, you might feel that you cannot eat Pizzas anymore. The traditional pizzas are well known for causing obesity and other health problems. Why not opt for healthy alternatives? You can now enjoy pizza without worrying about gluten and obesity.

Online bakeries can satisfy your deepest cravings for a crisp, tasty and mouth-watering pizza crust and you can eat it without guilt. Since they are prepared in a special kitchen, there is no possibility of cross contamination occurring due to other traditional flour pizza crusts also being prepared in the same kitchen. Make the Change Several scientific advancements today prove that a gluten free diet could have several health benefits. It’s time for you to make a change to gluten-free pizza crusts. It is most certainly a healthier option when compared to the conventional gluten base. Gluten free pizza crusts are the best choice for those with special dietary requirements. Living a gluten free lifestyle is no longer a challenge with options for gluten-free pizza crusts now available in online bakeries. The world of pizzas is now available for celiacs too. So what are you waiting for. Go forth and buy gluten-free pizza crust today.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, October 13, 2017

Why Is It Hard to Find Good Gluten-Free Pizza Crust? (Contd.)

Buying gluten-free pizza crust online has several benefits, both to restaurants and to consumers.
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Allow You to Enjoy Pizza Again
(310) 322–7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts: Health Benefits and More

As we covered previously, gluten is essentially a protein that is found in wheat, barley and a few other grains. Traditionally, pizza crust is made from flour that contains gluten. The gluten in the flour makes the pizza crust chewier and offers more elasticity. Gluten free flour is recommended for those who are sensitive to gluten or suffering from celiac disease. One of the most difficult aspects of sticking to a gluten free diet is controlling your desire to have a pizza. These days, gluten free pizza crusts are growing in popularity.

You might have seen a space in your supermarket devoted to gluten free products. Gluten free products are said to be more natural and the population is slowly making a turn towards gluten-free bakery items.

Benefits of Gluten Free Pizza Crust

If you follow a gluten free diet properly, you stand to benefit.

You get more energy. You can lose weight and feel less bloated.  It helps in reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases. Gluten increases insulin levels, so a gluten free diet can help you manage insulin levels better. So if there is no gluten, what do gluten free pizza crusts contain?

Gluten free crusts are completely free of wheat, whole grain, barley, rye and even dairy, eggs or soy. Instead, they often contain the following ingredients: 

  • Brown rice flour
  • Millet flour
  • Sorghum flour
  • Potato starch
  • Teff flour (rich and nutty flavor)
  • Amaranth  Tapioca starch (smooth, and it adds a chewy texture)
  • Molasses
  • Xanthan gum and yeast
  • Pumpkin seed flour
  • Chestnut flour
  • Almond flour
  • Quinoa Flour
  • Fruit pulp
  • Arrowroot powder
  • Chickpea flour
  • Corn Flour
  • Cornmeal
Gluten free flour meant only rice flour. It had a gritty texture and the nutrition content was also rather low. Now, however, there is a wide range of gluten free legumes and flours to choose from. This has resulted in the creation of tasty and healthy gluten-free pizza crusts. Order Online These days it is easy to order gluten-free bakery items and pizza crusts online. There are many online bakeries selling gluten free products and you are just one click away from finding them. Place an order and get the crusts delivered at your doorstep.

These bakeries make the crusts in a dedicated kitchen thereby offering you 100% gluten-free pizza crusts. In many of these kitchens, small batches are made by using the above ingredients and are very suitable for people suffering from gluten allergies. The taste is not compromised in any way and they don’t make use of any artificial preservatives.  So it is possible to buy gluten-free pizza crust that not only is gluten-free but tastes good as well.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, October 6, 2017

Why Is It Hard to Find Good Gluten-Free Pizza Crust?

Finding gluten-free pizza crust is easy. Finding good gluten-free pizza crust, however, sometimes takes some doing.

Why is Good Gluten-Free Pizza Crust So Hard to Find

Why is good gluten-free pizza crust so hard to find? Part of it is due to the unique nature of gluten. Gluten is essentially a protein that is found in wheat, barley and a few other grains. Traditionally, pizza crust is made from flour that contains gluten.

The gluten in the flour makes the pizza crust chewier and offers more elasticity. Gluten free flour is recommended for those who are sensitive to gluten or suffering from celiac disease. One of the most difficult aspects of sticking to a gluten free diet is controlling your desire to have a pizza. If you are a lover of pizzas and if you need to stay away from gluten, it’s hard to find really good gluten-free pizza that are both affordable and don't have a weird texture.

The Good News About Buying Gluten Free Pizza Crust Online

Gone are the days when you have to go in search of a local store to buy gluten free products. There are many online bakeries that offer gluten-free pizza crust. They are nice and fluffy as well as crisp when you bake them. More and more bakeries are embracing the gluten free philosophy and they taste as good or even better than conventional crusts, even when eaten the next day. Gluten is totally indigestible and its molecules cannot be destroyed. It can cause an inflammation in the intestine for those suffering from celiac disease. Gluten-free baked goods such as 100% gluten-free pizza crust can also assist those with gastrointestinal problems. One out of every 130 people in the US is not able to eat gluten, whereas others have different levels of sensitivity towards gluten. In another research, it has been noted that 1% of Americans are believed to be suffering from the celiac disease and must give up gluten forever.

When you're looking for a gluten-free bakery, make sure you find one that's been around a while.

Gluten has become the latest villain in diets. Due to this, there has been an increase in gluten-free products, including 100% gluten-free pizza crust bases. For those of you who are not able to tolerate gluten, online bakeries selling gluten-free pizza crusts are manna from heaven. The products offered are of a high quality and they are sold at competitive prices as well. Using gluten-free products can help you combat your health problems, such as obesity as well as celiac disease. So remember, you want to make smart choices with your health. One possible choice? Buy gluten-free pizza crust online.
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Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, September 29, 2017

What Are The Health Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet? (Conclusion)

A website that allows you to buy gluten-free pizza crusts online is definitely a find worth keeping.

Enjoy Pizza Again With Gluten-Free Pizza Crust
You Know What You're Getting When You Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online

As we covered previously, there are several different online gluten free providers online, such as The Gluten-Free Shoppe and Gluten-Free Delivers. has even jumped on the bandwagon with an expansive offering of gluten-free food products. It offers not only more than 5,000 different gluten-free food items, but you can also choose from a vast selection of gluten-free cookbooks to go with your new ingredients. But you might want to look at another website that you can buy gluten-free pizza crusts from.If you've been eating gluten-free pizza crust for a while, you might be all too familiar with the feeling of a restaurant or establishment not being able to provide exactly what you're looking for. This is one of the many perks to buying your gluten-free pizza crust online instead. When you buy gluten-free pizza crusts online, you know exactly what you're getting. Most websites will offer detailed descriptions of their ingredients, the processes by which they make their food products, and oftentimes they will even give you a glimpse into their story and the passion behind their gluten-free business. You will get to see all the products offered by your company of choice and what makes them tick, and this is something that would not be the same at a grocery store that is limited in which products, and how many products, they are able to display from a particular brand.

Online Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Suppliers: Endless Options and Choices

Your online options are endless. If you love pizza, while toppings sauce and cheese are obviously necessary, good pizza is all about the crust. And if you eat gluten-free pizza crust, regardless of the reason, you know how important ingredients and food quality are to a delicious and healthy dish. You also can trust that they will safeguard your health from the risk of cross contamination.

 There are so many advantages to buying your gluten-free pizza crust online - variety and selection, convenience, price and the ability to shop around for the most affordable product that fits your needs, and the ability to get to know individual brands whose mission is to provide the best gluten-free food products. When it comes to buying pizza crusts online, there is truly no other choice.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, September 22, 2017

What Are The Health Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet? (Contd.)

Buying gluten-free pizza crusts online has gotten far easier than it used to be. While many brick and mortar grocery stores have just recently begun to develop and expand their options for gluten-free diets, there are countless websites and online companies that provide quick and user-friendly service, and include a more versatile selection than a physical store would be capable of.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Go Online and Buy

There are several different online gluten free providers online, such as The Gluten-Free Shoppe and Gluten-Free Delivers. has even jumped on the bandwagon with an expansive offering of gluten-free food products. It offers not only more than 5,000 different gluten-free food items, but you can also choose from a vast selection of gluten-free cookbooks to go with your new ingredients.  But you might want to look at another website that you can buy gluten-free pizza crusts from.

If you've been eating gluten-free pizza crust for a while, you might be all too familiar with the feeling of a restaurant or establishment not being able to provide exactly what you're looking for. This is one of the many perks to buying your gluten-free pizza crust online instead.

Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online

A good gluten-free bakery provides gluten-free, wheat-free, casein-free, and lots of other non-allergic health foods. It offers gluten free food products and lots of other dietary requirement food products such as vegan food items. It's no secret that health foods and non-allergic foods can be a bit pricey depending on where you shop, and the cost can certainly add up quickly for certain types of diet plans. This is one of the reasons why buying gluten-free pizza crust online is a more economical choice than buying it in-person at the grocery store.

Not only does the internet offer a wider selection of gluten-free foods, but it's easy to shop around for the right price. A good gluten-free bakery offers not only food, but also tasty meal tips and gluten-free recipes. Online, you can get the whole package. With gluten-free pizza crusts, the internet offers a larger selection, better prices, and a more accessible way of ordering in bulk once you've found the product that suits you best.

It can be natural to think that pizza crust is simple since it is so common, but it's crucial to find the right product to fit your needs and to have easy and convenient access to it, especially when it comes to health and nutrition. A meal is only as good as its ingredients, and a pizza is only as good as its crust. So make sure you find the best gluten-free pizza crust.

Additional Information

Venice Bakery

134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, September 15, 2017

What Are The Health Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet?

Before you switch to gluten-free pizza crust, going on a gluten-free diet is not for everyone.  Why would you want to go gluten-free?

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts Are a Great Way to Start
Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts and Going Gluten-Free

So why would you want to switch to gluten-free pizza crusts? And what is the deal with gluten-free everything these days? According to BistroMD:
"With recent increases in people being diagnosed with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, the idea of a gluten-free diet has been recently researched by physicians from all sides of the nutritional spectrum, including weight loss specialists, bariatric physicians, and dietitians. A gluten-free diet can have a variety of health benefits, such as improving cholesterol levels, promoting digestive health, and increasing energy levels, if you have a gluten intolerance. “If you choose to start a gluten-free diet, you are actually eliminating a variety of foods from your diet that are unhealthy,” says Christy Shatlock, lead dietitian for bistroMD. “Fried foods would be off limits, because of the breading, and desserts high in sugar and fat would be removed from your diet completely.” The Benefits of Avoiding “Processed” Foods Many foods that are processed and available for purchase contain a lot of gluten, which is essentially unhealthy for you. “Overly-processed foods are bad for you because they contain chemicals, and artificial flavors,” says Christy. On a gluten-free diet, you would likely eat more fruits and vegetables, just because they are several food sources that are non-starchy, and almost completely gluten-free. By eating only gluten-free foods, you will also be eliminating unhealthy oils from your diet, as well as unhealthy carbohydrates found in bread products like doughnuts and pastries. “Eliminating gluten, and eating a gluten-free diet can help reduce your risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and other health-related conditions, like diabetes, if you have a gluten intolerance,” says Christy. “A gluten-free diet can also help your body ward off viruses and germs, just because many of the foods you eat will be full of antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals.”

Gluten-Free Foods Are Merely a Matter of Finding the Right Supplier

Finding gluten-free foods has become a lot easier than it used to be.  There are a lot of suppliers, both brick and mortar and online.

So, consult your dietitian, and your doctor.  If going gluten-free is right for you, then start by substituting foods with gluten to alternatives such as when you buy gluten-free pizza crusts.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Contact Us

Friday, September 8, 2017

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Health Benefits of Going Gluten-Free (Conclusion)

If you want to get gluten-free pizza crust, you're probably aware on some level of the health benefits of going gluten-free. There are many reasons why people choose to eliminate gluten from their diet.
You Can Still Enjoy Pizza |
Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

Need Reasons to Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust?

Do you need reasons to buy gluten-free pizza crust? Even though one roughly one percent of the population have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, hundreds of millions of individuals are making the choice to eat gluten-free. As a result, gluten-free food products have become nearly a $1 billion industry, and that number is only growing. Eating gluten-free provides a healthy alternative to lots of common meals, even those that are normally considered to be unhealthy or lack nutritional value. Pizza, for example, is one of the most popular dishes in the world, but it tends to get a bad rap for being high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and of course, calories.

Lots of people have chosen to put a healthy yet tasty spin on this timeless favorite by crafting their pie with gluten-free pizza crust. This wheat free, dairy free alternative to the doughy, starchy traditional crust is typically made by adding agar, xanthan gum, potato or other starches, and legume grains that have been pulverized. This slight alteration has been said to increase energy, decrease bloating, help with autoimmune disease, lower the risk of heart disease, fight acne, and generally provide more nourishment than would traditional pizza crust. The only thing more advantageous than buying gluten-free pizza crust, is to buy it online.

Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online

Purchasing gluten-free pizza crust online will not sacrifice the quality, but it will drastically increase the convenience. Rather than being limited to the options of your local grocery store, or having to drive out of your way to the nearest organic or health food retailer for a better selection, ordering online allows you to have the most possible options right at your fingertips. Technology has made it possible to purchase hand-tossed, artisan gluten and dairy free pizza crusts from companies who care about health and food quality, without leaving your home.

The gluten-free pizza crusts will normally ship while they are still frozen, and they will then thaw either partially or entirely during the shipping process. When they arrive at your door, they will be ready to either be frozen again for longer storage, or if you plan to bake them within the next one to two days, they can be stored in the refrigerator. If gluten-free pizza crusts are frozen or refrigerated from the time of their arrival until use, they will be good for up to one week refrigerated, or up to three months frozen.

So, what are you waiting for?  Buy gluten-free pizza crust today.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, September 1, 2017

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Health Benefits of Going Gluten-Free (Contd.)

Gluten-free pizza crust allows you to enjoy pizza again safely.  

As we covered previously, if you are allergic, after consuming a diet that contains gluten you may experience complications such as inflammation inside your small intestines. However, some grains and starch can be incorporated in our gluten-free diet for example; arrowroot, potato, buckwheat, sorghum, tapioca, rice, millet, cornmeal and corn.

There are several urgent health reasons to consider going gluten-free

Why Should I Go on a Gluten-Free Diet?  

1. Celiac Disease

This is a serious disease that strictly requires 100% gluten-free diet. The protein gluten alters the small intestines leading to inflammation which in most cases leads to severe complications if precaution is not observed. In young children, it can result to bone weakness and slow growth. If celiac disease is not treated it can result to osteoporosis, lymphoma and anemia. Celiac disease symptoms include; weight loss, fatigue, bloating, weakness and bowel movement changes. It is important to accommodate people with this disease since their condition needs specific treatment.

Wheat Allergy

This is whereby consumption of gluten foods specifically wheat leads to reactions such as vomiting, difficulty in breathing, rashes and diarrhea. In most cases people tend to ignore these symptoms not knowing the symptoms might be a sign for an underlying disease or condition. That is why each reaction should be taken seriously and make an effort of visiting your doctor for examination. Also, if you visit a restaurant remember to notify them about your condition.

Weight Loss

For those who want to lose weight, or your nutritionist has advised you to cut off some weight, then gluten-free diets is the way to go. However, research does not clearly indicate whether gluten results to weight gain but increased intake of processed foods automatically increases your weight. Even as you take up the challenge of weight loss, do not deviate from your gluten-free diet just because you are not allergic. Learn to maintain and keep up with your specified goal.

Autism and Gluten-Free Diets?  

This is a disorder associated with difficulty in speech, repetitive behavior, non-verbal communication, and social skills. It can be caused by environmental, lifestyle and genetic effects. Research shows that maintaining a gluten-free diet helps in controlling autism symptoms in both children and adults. Increased intake of gluten increases the severity of the symptoms, hence it is important to pay attention to what autism patients consume.

Improves General Health

In today's world, everything has its own negative and positive side and with various technology sources such as the internet you can easily search and get ideas and answers for your questions. This is why it is common to find an individual without any medical reasons, who chooses to maintains a gluten-free diet because they believe that it is the best way to keep it healthy. However, gluten diets are not harmful to everyone, people just need to be keen when it comes to the amounts and whether the foods are processed or not. Try to be as natural as possible.

One way to accomplish this is easy.  Buy gluten-free pizza crusts instead of regular ones.  

Order gluten free pizza crusts online.  

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, August 25, 2017

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Health Benefits of Going Gluten-Free

Have you thought about buying gluten-free pizza crust? You might wish to, especially for the myriad health benefits going gluten free can offer.
There are benefits to gluten-free pizza crust |
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What Are The Benefits of Going Gluten-Free?

First off, what is a gluten-free diet? Gluten-free diets are diets that do not contain the protein known as gluten which is also the only indigestible protein. A gluten-free diet usually involves substituting one food item for another, such as gluten-free pizza crusts. Gluten originates from grains for example rye, barley, wheat and triticale. In most cases a gluten-free diet is maintained by individuals who are allergic to wheat, sensitive to gluten and have the celiac disease.

If you are allergic, after consuming a diet that contains gluten you may experience complications such as inflammation inside your small intestines. However, some grains and starch can be incorporated in our gluten-free diet for example; arrowroot, potato, buckwheat, sorghum, tapioca, rice, millet, cornmeal and corn. Therefore, despite your cravings learn to track your bodies behavior and making a few adjustments may be of more value to your health. If you are planning to start a gluten-free diet consult a nutritionist who can provide you with guidelines to follow and still maintain a healthy and balanced diet.  You also want to do some research on your own.

What Is a Gluten-Free Pizza Crust?

A gluten-free pizza crust is one that is free from wheat, whole grain, dairy. However, it is important to ensure that these foods are not processed, they should be natural. For instance you can prepare a delicious homemade gluten-free pizza with the following ingredients: potato starch, tapioca flour, millet flour, sorghum flour, brown rice flour, sea salt, guar gum, dry yeast and fresh eggs. With this mix of ingredients you will get an incredible crust that is crispy and delicious. Also, be creative and do not forget to add your own flavor and beauty to the pizza. You can add garlic, vegetables and cheese and your pizza will be ready. 

Reasons Why People Are Maintaining a Gluten-Free Diet

It is no secret that this trend is becoming popular. Reason being people are now more educated and exposed which makes it easier for them to identify their problems and maintain a healthy lifestyle. As we will cover in the next part of this article, there are many reasons as to why individuals turn to gluten-free diets. For now, just know that a gluten-free diet depends on how well you substitute foods that have gluten in them for gluten-free foods.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, August 18, 2017

Why You Should Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Why It Should Be Online

If you decide that you want to buy gluten-free pizza crust online but are still on the fence as to why should switch to gluten-free, you might be surprised at the health benefits.

Better Digestive Health and Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

If you suffer from persistent digestive issues, completely eliminating gluten from your diet, such as switching to gluten-free pizza crust, may help alleviate some of your problems. For those with Celiac disease, gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine and also flattens the intestinal villi, which reduces the amount of nutrients that can be absorbed and can lead to malnutrition. The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness states that eliminating gluten reduces stomach upset, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and constipation in those with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Many people who have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Crohn's disease may also have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity is not as simple to diagnose as Celiac disease, but can clearly contribute to gastro-intestinal issues.

Eliminate all gluten from your diet for at least two weeks to see if there is any improvement in your symptoms. Switch to gluten-free pizza crust.  Some people start to feel better within a few days of eliminating gluten from their diet.

Increased Energy Levels. Do you wish you could have a long nap every afternoon? Fatigue is a common complaint of those with Celiac disease or who have gastro-intestinal issues. If you are sensitive to gluten, it's quite likely that your body is not absorbing the necessary amount of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Even low levels of malnutrition can result in lowered energy levels, and episodes of fatigue, especially in the afternoon. Individuals with gluten intolerance often experience intense feeling of tiredness and weakness that are unexplained. In severe cases, you may become anemic due to iron deficiency, which can cause extreme fatigue, bruising, and shortness of breath.

More Energy With Gluten-Free Pizza Crust?

Eliminating gluten from your diet may work much better that drinking several cups of coffee, or grabbing a sugary treat that will pick you up initially, but leads to a crash later. By eliminating gluten, the inflammation in your intestines will begin to subside, and your body can start to absorb an adequate level of nutrients. In many cases, this can quickly increase your energy level.  One way is through gluten-free pizza crusts.

Skin problems may clear up. Many people also find their skin improves when they ditch gluten. Other common skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis may also show some improvement with gluten-free pizza crusts. Your mood may be elevated. One benefit of gluten-free pizza crusts often overlooked is improved mood and overall neurological health. Many individuals on a gluten-free diet report that they are much more aware of their surroundings, able to focus better and think more clearly. Individuals who are sensitive to gluten usually find eating gluten causes a number of adverse side effects such as a cloudy mind, attention issues, frequent headaches, and in some cases even severe depression.

None of this is a substitute for medical care.  So go see your doctor.  And if he agrees, switch to gluten-free pizza crust today.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, August 11, 2017

Why You Should Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Why It Should Be Online

If you are thinking you might buy gluten-free pizza crust online, congratulations. You are both smart, and a savvy shopper.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts: Part of a Revolution

Gluten-free pizza crusts are part of a growing revolution. Gluten-free food sales have grown 178 percent between 2013 and 2016, according to research, although most of this growth may not be coming from the celiac community. Many diners have swapped to diets where they eat fewer carbs and have embraced gluten-free menu items, spiking demand. To ensure customers have a truly gluten free experience most hotel chains have further introduced various measures such as changing processes and their kitchens – including labeling and storage, using new equipment only for gluten-free food, as well as changing the flour uses for tossing and stretching the dough to be gluten-free. Wheat, barley and rye contain a protean known as gluten.

Although gluten can be well-tolerated as a healthy part of a typical diet, some people have sensitivities to this protean. People who have physical reactions to the ingestion of foods containing gluten may experience relief from symptoms by eliminating gluten from the diet. Many food products cater to people following a gluten-free diet due to the increasing prevalence of gluten intolerance and celiac disease. You can replace grains that contain gluten with other gluten-free grains such as corn, flax, millet and race. Although eating a gluten-free diet can be challenging at times, your health may benefit if you eat a gluten-free diet. and one way to start is to buy gluten-free pizza crust.

Food Allergies and Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

Some people suffer serious auto-immune disorders, which require careful attention to foods they eat to avoid gluten. Gluten intolerance and sensitivity can exacerbate other health problems, the symptoms of which may improve by switching to gluten-free pizza crust and avoiding foods that contain gluten.

There are other benefits of buying gluten-free foods online.  One of them is convenience of course, but did you know that you might be able to lose some of your winter weight?  Imagine that.  Lose weight and still eat pizza.    

So you could lose some weight.  You could still enjoy pizza.  And you can get a food that is tasty, and can be used in a variety of different ways.  It all starts when you buy gluten-free pizza crust online.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357
Visit Our Site

Friday, August 4, 2017

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Bringing Balance to Your Diet (Contd.)

One of the many reasons to buy gluten-free pizza crust is to help with celiac disease.
Buy Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online | 310-322-7357

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Celiac Disease Progression

If celiac disease is not treated it can result to osteoporosis, lymphoma and anemia. Celiac disease symptoms include; weight loss, fatigue, bloating, weakness and bowel movement changes. It is important to accommodate people with this disease since their condition needs specific treatment. One way to do this is to use foods such as gluten-free pizza crusts.

A wheat allergy is where consumption of gluten foods, specifically wheat, leads to reactions such as vomiting, difficulty in breathing, rashes, and diarrhea. In most cases people tend to ignore these symptoms not knowing the symptoms might be a sign for an underlying disease or condition. That is why each reaction should be taken seriously. It is a good idea to visit your doctor for examination. Also, if you visit a restaurant remember to notify them about your condition. There are several advantages to going on a gluten-free diet, as noted here.

Advantages of a Gluten-Free Diet

Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, then a gluten-free diet may be the way to go. While there is no clear data about foods containing gluten and weight gain, a great many foods with gluten are also processed foods. Increased intake of processed foods automatically increases your weight. Even as you take up the challenge of weight loss, do not deviate from your gluten-free diet just because you are not allergic. Learn to maintain and keep up with your specified weight loss goals. Be sure to stick to something like gluten-free pizza crust in lieu of something with gluen.

Improves General Health

In today's world, everything has its own negative and positive side and with various technology sources such as the internet you can easily search and get ideas and answers for your questions.

This is why it is common to find an individual without any medical reasons, who chooses to maintains a gluten-free diet because they believe that it is the best way to keep it healthy. However, gluten diets are not harmful to everyone, people just need to be keen when it comes to the amounts and whether the foods are processed or not. Try to eat as naturally as possible. Ultimately, however, you want to make sure that going gluten-free is based on a valid health concern, and not because it's trendy. If you do need to eat gluten free, then you might want to buy gluten-free pizza crusts online.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, July 28, 2017

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust: Bringing Balance to Your Diet

Gluten-free pizza crust allows you to enjoy pizza again, without having to take medication to stave off an allergic response.

Why Give Up Pizza? | Go for
Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Instead |
(310) 322–7357
Gluten-Free Pizza Crust And Staying Gluten-Free

Gluten-free pizza crusts area great way to be on a gluten-free diet.  Gluten-free diets are diets that do not contain the protein known as gluten which is also the only indigestible protein. Gluten originates from grains for example rye, barley, and wheat. In most cases a gluten-free diet is maintained by individuals who are allergic to wheat, sensitive to gluten and have some form of gluten-sensitivity such as celiac disease.

If you are allergic, after consuming a diet that contains gluten you may experience complications such as inflammation inside your small intestines. However, some grains and starch can be incorporated in our gluten-free diet for example; arrowroot, potato, buckwheat, sorghum, tapioca, rice, millet, cornmeal and corn. Therefore, despite your cravings learn to track your bodies behavior and making a few adjustments may be of more value to your health. If you are planning to start a gluten-free diet consult a nutritionist who can provide you with guidelines to follow and still maintain a healthy and balanced diet.  Find gluten-free products that fit in as well.

What Is a Gluten-Free Pizza Crust?

A gluten-free pizza crust is one that is free from wheat, whole grain, dairy. However, it is important to ensure that these foods are not processed, they should be natural. For instance you can prepare a delicious homemade gluten-free pizza with the following ingredients: potato starch, tapioca flour, millet flour, sorghum flour, brown rice flour, sea salt, guar gum, dry yeast and fresh eggs. With this mix of ingredients you will get an incredible crust that is crispy and delicious. Also, be creative and do not forget to add your own flavor and beauty to the pizza. You can add garlic, vegetables and cheese and your pizza will be ready.

It is no secret that going gluten-free is becoming popular. Reason being people are now more educated and exposed which makes it easier for them to identify their problems and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Celiac disease is a potentially serious disease that strictly requires 100% gluten-free diet. The protein gluten alters the small intestines leading to inflammation which in most cases leads to severe complications if precaution is not observed. In young children, it can result to bone weakness and slow growth.

So stay healthy.  Consult a physician, and if she or he agrees, consider going gluten free.  One way to accomplish this is by buying gluten-free pizza crusts.


Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357

Friday, July 21, 2017

Buying Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online

Buying gluten-free pizza crusts online from a gluten-free bakery makes a great deal of sense. This can in turn be broken down into convenience, quality, and safety.

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Online: How Convenient

If you are sensitive to gluten, you probably know this already but finding quality gluten-free pizza crust as well as other gluten-free foods is often a challenge. This is due to several reasons. First off, there is virtually no government oversight to the words gluten-free. A company can slap it on a food label and it might not even be true. Or it might appear true on the surface, but if you dig deeper there is a risk of cross-contamination which ties into safety, which we will cover later in this article. It also ties into our next point, which is quality.

Let's face it, buying gluten-free is a challenge because of the quality of the food involved. Some gluten-free pizza crust, bread, or other baked goods either has a weird flavor such as coconut, a weird texture that is equivalent to those horrible Christmas fruit cakes that one receives from their relatives, or when it's placed in the oven, it comes out so hard that you can easily chip a tooth trying to eat it. However, if you find a bakery that specializes in gluten-free pizza crust, you can be sure of the quality.

Stay Safe, Buy Only 100% Certified Gluten-Free Pizza Crust

In the past few years there has been a growing concern over what is in our food. Whether it is 'mystery meat' in a fast food burger, or how many carbs is in that candy bar we've been eyeing, Americans are more conscious about what they're eating. And in some cases that can literally mean the difference between life and death. As we covered above, there is little to no government oversight on food labeling in general and on gluten-free foods specifically. So what? Well, if someone has a food allergy, the smallest amount of an allergen such as gluten can be potentially toxic.

Some people who have celiac disease or other forms of gluten-sensitivity have an allergic reaction to gluten that mimics the symptoms of acute arthritis that stays with them for a few days then is gone. However, other people can end up in the hospital as a result of exposure to gluten. So stay safe. Buy your food from a trusted source, such as gluten-free pizza crust from a bakery that sells online.

Venice Bakery
134 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322–7357